IRS employee who voted for Trump doesn’t learn his lesson and is fired
It’s absurd that people think trump has any sort of “business acumen.” His businesses fail more often than they succeed. He’s been busted for fraud multiple times. Filed for bankruptcy multiple times. Sued for failing to pay contractors hundreds of times. Banks refused to lend him money. His contemporaries call him the dumbest person they’ve ever met.
It’s absurd that people think trump has any sort of “business acumen.”
He played a successful businessman on a reality TV show. That’s it, that’s why people think he knows what he’s doing, because they evidently can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality.
That’s the thing he’s actually good at. Acting. Getting people to believe in fiction. It’s a good trait for an actor, a despicable power of conmen, and horrifying in a leader.
Religious people are a goldmine for scammers like Trump. A person who can be convinced that there is an invisible man who lives in the sky and grants wishes or that there was a zombie 2000 years ago who walked on water can be convinced of anything. Born to be rubes.
Filed for bankruptcy multiple times.
Some of these were even for his casinos. He couldn’t even get casinos right.
TV needed a star for a show and created a story that he was a great businessman. All the real successful businessman were busy, true story.
This is after borrowing millions from The Bank of Daddy. Without his parents wealth, he’d be nothing.
His contemporaries call him the dumbest person they’ve ever met.
Apparently they’ve never met his supporters.
I would argue Trump has great business acumen for exactly the reasons you describe.
He’s a mobster who got rich off strong arming, manipulation, and fraud.
Stop assuming his incompetence at being an evil capitalist billionaire and maybe people will finally accept that he is a highly capable amoral danger to the world.
“his business acumen” is exactly what you’re getting, bub.
I findt it highly disturbing someone this stupid worked for the IRS in the first place.
Before anyone says their “strategy” is working, a broken clock still tells the right time twice a day.
Heard. I also feel somewhat comforted that this was a person who voted for Trump. Just a guy who wanted to make the world better, and yet made a shitty decision… not a Nazi.
Edit: …Er, probably not a Nazi.
It‘s so weird man. They say the government needs fixing but then vote for unhinged deregulation from the guy with the catch phrase „you‘re fired“.
That‘s like saying your roof needs fixing so you call a demolition company to tear your house down. What the hell did you expect would happen?
Honestly I think so many people are too misinformed or distracted to vote. I would genuinely suggest they stay out of the democratic process for their own good and peace of mind. They will only regret it anyway.
We have an electoral college. The entire reason they exist was to prevent an uneducated electorate from electing a tyanical demagogue. And yet here we are. Because the electoral college is made out of THE SAME UNEDUCATED MASSES. How was that supposed to work?
The problem is, these people think they’re informed because they binge watch Fox News, which is actively lying to them. To follow your analogy, the demolition company was running commercials 24/7 saying they’re the best roof fixers in town.
Don’t get the impression that I’m defending these dumb fucks for voting the way they did. I just wanted to say we’re never getting rid of this problem when people live in their media bubbles that blatantly hide the truth from them.
Demolition company: When we’re done, you’ll never need to worry about a leaky roof again!
Every Fox News watcher: omg, amazing deal!
The issue isn’t Fox News itself or the lies they tell, it’s the viewer’s inability to process information into logical truths.
Fox News simply has no moral issue with lying to them. If you pay attention to what people complain about when it comes to the left, it’s their reluctance to lie to people.
Most people prefer comforting lies.
I would genuinely suggest they stay out of the democratic process for their own good and peace of mind.
But then what would happen with the immigrants eating people’s pets in Springfield?
Whatever happened with that anyway? Hmmm.
Works for IRS, thinks Trump has an iota of business acumen. Dude deserved to be fired whether he voted for Agent Orange or not.
If you look at Trump business history and think he’s a good businessman you have no place at the IRS. Hopefully this dude didn’t work for Criminal Investigation.
And he kind of has trouble putting coherent sentences together.
It still doesn’t cease to amaze me how absolutely clueless some people can be. How can you observe Trump’s behaviour and think he’ll do anything except be insane? He can’t even form coherent sentences for goodness’ sake!
I hope this moron, and all his Trump pals, lose everything.
Imagine thinking Trump has business acumen.
they arent just uninformed… they are brainwashed. you dont just snap out of it. you cant logic yourself out of a position you did not logic yourself into
its like trying to convince someone that their religion is garbage. no matter what evidence you provide, their brain will work around it.
Yeah we’ve had a mass brainwashing in this country that we’ve never seen before and it’s terrifying
I saw this before, right after 9/11.
For the people who consume conservative media, it has not stopped since then. That’s why they are SO brainwashed into accepting the most ridiculous shit they’re told.
I remember A LOT of racism toward anyone that even looked middle eastern.
The United States is a VERY racist nation.
deleted by creator
I think a huge problem is that a significant part of the population has poor long term memory. I saw interviews before the election where they asked voters and the ones who were pro Trump always talked about how he was a good businessman. They had completely forgotten that 4 years earlier they had to fight for toilet paper under Trump. A friend said before the election, “Biden was the worst President ever.” “Did you forget that you had no toilet paper?” “Oh, yeah.”
No memory.
How can you observe Trump’s behaviour and think he’ll do anything except be insane?
It’s all about hate. His supporters are full of hate and that overrides any semblance of common sense.
Imagine being an IRS employee and voting Republican in literally anything. Like seriously what the fuck?
Lots of conservatives living in the sprawling public sector bureaucracy see all sorts of dysfunction and waste, then conclude “this is because government” rather than “this is because efficient management is delicate and difficult”.
Lots of leftists living in the sprawling private sector feel the same way (myself among them) and - self-confessed naively - will insist profit motive is the reason bad policy exists, rather than simple human fallibility at industrial scale.
Also, public bureaucracy is something of a patronage system, with people getting their jobs relative to their social networks. In a big red state like Texas or Florida or Ohio, you can guarantee the local IRS office is going to be full of failsons and faildaughters of the Republican elected bureaucracy.
That’s an angle I hadn’t considered. That makes a lot of sense.
“Government should be run as a business” means everybody has to do as you say because you’re the boss.
”Government should be run as a business” means people are getting fired just so the top can buy more yachts for themselves.
“Someone with his business acumen…”
Holy shit. I imagine this person has an open fucking head wound and a keyboard covered in drool. Holy shit.
With time, you forget just how desperate, unequipped for life and dangerously myopic these people are.
So many Trump supporters just don’t pay attention to anything. For decades before 2016, it was super common knowledge that Trump was a terrible businessman. It was a common joke on late night TV any time Trump was in the news. It was essentially the main thing people knew about him since the 1990s, yet his supporters all think he must be some business genius. And how they still think this after his first term, I have no idea.
The TV show THE APPRENTICE was filmed and edited to portray Trump as a MASTER OF BUSINESS. People who worked behind the scenes of the show have commented on some of the stupid decisions he made, and how they were always covering it with edits to make it look like a wise decisions after the fact…
It never occurred to them that he was so bad at his job that he had to take a job working for a Hollywood studio pretending to be a successful businessman hiring people for a job that never existed. There was never any situation in which anyone was fired from anything.
Aside from being brainwashed into MAGA he sounds like a solid dude. He saw a problem in his country and took it upon himself to try to fix it. Too bad he wanted leopards to eat his face
Though, I have realized that if you’re still a Trump supporter, you’re either ill informed or are a terrible person
I agree 100%. I kinda have to believe people like this can get better because I have good people in my family whose actions and political beliefs are entirely at odds with each other.
Fuck the Murdoch dynasty, all of them. Knowing that people I care about have spent decades watching a 4-hour evening infomercial for fascism is brutal.
Same with friends. But it’s so hopeless trying to get through to them. I know their feeds are filled with “LIBERAL TEARS, IMMIGRANTS BECOMES MILLIONAIRE WITH FOOD STAMPS AND HERES WHY WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE ACTUAL VICTIMS” They see it on their YouTube. Their Twitter. Their Facebook. Their Instagram. Their FOX (self described non news “entertainment” channel) NEWS app. They’re getting hit with propaganda from everywhere, not even counting the decades of Fox that’s infected their family. They’re so incredibly misinformed and I don’t know what way to change their minds. Some times they’ll listen but it never sticks, probably the same way I do when they’re telling me how democrats actually set up any bad thing that happens.
Take specific examples that they care about, prove that it is utter nonsense. Ask how they can still believe all the bullshit if all these examples are nonsense.
They are usually Christians so using Bible versus right back at them and asking when they are going to divorce their spouses and cheat on them and pay for prostitutes and playing up when they decided they support authoritarian communists and where they keep their Russian flags is probably the route to go. They’ll love being labeled communiats and since when they started wanting to emulate the Chinese political system.
Facts, laws, and numbers don’t work on them. Comparing their values to the person they choose to worship is more likely to get them scrambling trying to excuse behavior that isn’t Christian like.
Not in my experience. To many of these mfs worship Paul (and now Trump) instead of Jesus.
In the end, my receipts don’t matter. It’s fake news. The closest I can get is to make my points using FOX NEWS articles. But there’s often a shit ton of spin on those so I can’t get the really hard hitting facts across. Best example was my trumper friend saying that ICE is going after criminal immigrants and not the good, working ones. I linked the fox news article saying that the ICE commander said everyone’s on the chopping block. I was met with “No, no they can’t do that. They can’t do that. They won’t do that”. They literally live in their own made up reality where the rules are how they interpret them and not how they actually are. Even when their glorified party proves them wrong, time and time again.
God bless my buddy’s hearts. They’re good people but theyre actively getting corrupted and I’m trying at every chance I get to give them a different perspective.
These people are not equipped to handle the cognitive dissonance of having their beliefs challenged. They will simply compartmentalize away any contradictions so they don’t have to think about it. If you try to force the issue they become vitriolic and refuse to engage with you any further, usually resorting to character defamation to label you as someone who is not trustworthy and can be readily disregarded.
Fox News was just full time repeating that the border was over run with Hispanic men running around and raping all the white women.
The USA is literally threatening to invade most of its closest allies. Fuck anyone who’s ill informed
“I didn’t realise we were going to invade Poland :0”
“Actually you forgot Poland.”
George W. BUSH
A solid dude? He voted for the guy who incited a coup attempt, mismanaged the COVID response, and spews verbal diarrhea daily. I hate to say it, but they called it right for this guy, we don’t need people who are that stupid in government.
Lol, this is the best comment I’ve read all week. Thank you for giving me a good laugh, I needed it!
How could anyone trust the business acumen of someone who bankrupted his own casino? The business model of a casino is people walk in, give you all their money, then leave. That was too much for him.
How could anyone trust the business acumen of someone who bankrupted his own casino?
Easy. They’re braindead stupid. You have met dogs more intelligent than Trump supporters.
deleted by creator
im pretty sure that entire endeavor was a money laundering scheme. it doesnt make any sense otherwise.
How the fuck do you bankrupt a casino?
By opening a second casino on the same road, splitting the public between the two, which led to BOTH going bankrupt, despite a cash injection from his father. Yes, he bankrupted TWO casinos…
spent more in building it >cough< than ever received as income from ‘customers’.
at one point some rich fucker (might have been his own father) literally walked in ‘bought’ a shitload of chips (miilions of $) and never cashed them.
Business acumen? Neither the president nor trump have that
Yeah, they were both kinda born into it.
I can totally believe that someone who’s never worked in the private sector has such a fanciful view of how layoffs work. My first job out of college was in the government. My views of what constituted “waste” were hilarious, like we got a flashlight (because we occasionally would go outside at night) and it was definitely a pricier flashlight, with some features we didn’t really need. I told my friends at home, “Gosh, the government is so wasteful, look at this overpriced flashlight I got”. Of course they made me turn it in when I left, but still.
Then when I got into the private sector I realized private sector waste is a whole different animal. Obviously there’s the insane CEO pay packages, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Definitely I’ve seen some multi-million-dollar projects that never should have happened and were just the result of our slick salespeople. When I left one job in a layoff I had no way of returning a $3000 laptop because the person I’d return it to was laid off too. It ended up being a nice gift for an amoral friend. Of course layoffs themselves are crazy wasteful, you have tons of hard-earned knowledge walking out the door. They’re almost always random and driven by a desire to temporarily boost the stock price as clueless shareholders are left holding the bag when the company collapses a few years later.
Point is government waste exists, but it’s like a leaky faucet that drips a little. In the private sector, it’s like a faucet that’s constantly running on full blast because everyone is incentivized to maximize the rate of flow.
definitely a pricier flashlight,
It’s because they can’t risk it not working and being blamed when someone trips in the dark
government is also not allowed to negotiate for discounts to minimize risk of corruption and has to pay sticker price
lol they still think this guy actually knows how to run businesses
How do you bankrupt a casino? 😂😂😂 Its literally free money 😂😂😂
Not just one. Four casinos
works at a place that collects taxes
voted for a guy who wants to get rid of taxes