Even from people that never lived in a communist state

edit: im 17 and i hate communism

  • empireOfLove2@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    Be careful where you tread here. You must be careful to separate “communists” (people who believe in economic reorganization away from the power of capital) and “tankies” (those who support corrupt regimes that project the illusion of communism).

    There are indeed quite a few communists and various other alt-camp political spectrum believers on here. They do have quite liberal beliefs but don’t typically cause much of a fuss, because rational people can coexist with differing beliefs… and i dont mind them one bit. But the tankes, like lemmygrad, hexbear, etc, do stir up an anti-west "commie propaganda"fuss every chance they get, without being related to actual communism, especially if one mentions a hot button like Israel or Ukraine. And if you get into an argument with a tankie, they will just sling mud on you and call you a Nazi.

    The cool part is, you can filter a lot of the chaff by just blocking the ugly instances from your user settings page (since Lemmy supports that now), blocking frequent flyers, and trimming/moving your subscribed community list to other, often smaller instances. A minimal amount of effort VASTLY increases the quality of content you’ll see on lemmy.

    • Hypx@fedia.io
      3 months ago

      There are very few real communists left. On here, it’s going to be pretty much all tankies.

      • silly goose meekah@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I’d definitely describe myself as a communist, but I do realize we never had a proper communist state on this planet, just authoritarian states that acted like communists to win over the workers. Capitalism needs to be regulated as fuck to create a fair society, so for now, I strive for socialism, because I understand going straight to communism probably won’t work.

        Sorry if this was uncalled for, I just wanted to show there are sensible communists who don’t excuse Russia and China for the shit they’re pulling. But neither do I excuse the west for a lot of shit we are pulling.

        • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          There is a clear contradiction in this comment.

          Capitalism needs to be regulated as fuck to create a fair society, so for now, I strive for socialism, because I understand going straight to communism probably won’t work.

          Isn’t this the exact reasoning behind China’s market reforms, beginning under Deng Xiaoping?

          If we take this poster at their word, then their disagreement with modern China is not ideological in nature!

          Does that mean their disagreement is about the practical implementation? Of course not! That would contradict a key piece of evidence: This World Bank report!

          According to the report, 800 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty - accounting for three quarters of worldwide poverty reduction! No reasonable person could called that a failed implementation!

          If this poster really supports a transitional phase of regulated markets, then why would they be condemning China for successfully implementing the very approach they advocate for?

      • boredtortoise@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Global news communities in instances like beehaw or lemmy.world seem to have predominantly communist and leftist posters. The nazbols congregate on their own famous three instances.

  • Cowbee@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Multiple reasons.

    1. Lemmy was crested by and is maintained by Marxist-Leninists.

    2. Lemmy’s structure and rejection of the Profit Motive is in line with Communist ideals, and attracts Communists and other leftists over Reddit, which is Capitalist.

    3. FOSS in general is supported by Communists and Anarchists.

  • dragontamer@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Lemmy, the social network, started off as a leftist hangout spot.

    From the perspective of “Open Source developers who are anti-Reddit pro-Fediverse”, it makes a lot of sense for Leftist/Communist and anti-corporation leaning people to hang out.

    After all, the more extreme the viewpoint, the more driven to action (ie: write tens-of-thousands of lines of code and release for free) people get. In some regards, its the nature of Open Source + volunteer effort to attract a more extreme ideology. IE: Free Software is driven by ideology, not by money. So you get ideological people, especially when the software is small and niche.

    The July 2023 Reddit Blackout was a big challenge for Lemmy’s old community and the new community, as the new community basically “invaded” a large scale leftist hangout spot. But hopefully we all learn to work together and the nature of our neighbors moving forward.

    I think anyone here (likely everyone?) is at least on the anti-corporate anti-Reddit side of the discussion. Which is enough of an alliance to keep us together, for now.

    It does mean that we’ll have to keep up with the far-left old-timers on this network who wish to push their viewpoints. But they are the legacy and the start of Lemmy in some respects, even as the hypergrowth (starting in July 2023) has moderated the community pretty severely.

      • djsoren19@yiffit.net
        3 months ago

        Yeah, the problem is that you have instances like Hexbear and Lemmy.ml that tread more into tankie territory, where if you argue anything less than the complete annihilation of the West and hail China, you’re likely to get harassed. I think rational people can agree that there’s a pretty gap between “The current system is corrupt” and "anyone who thinks differently than me should die,’ but I’ve seen plenty of irrational leftists.

        • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Came here to make this point.
          The CCP’s version of “communism” is almost a textbook example to me of how an interesting system that can work beautifully on the local level can be completely betrayed and turned in to something much more like an oligarchy.

          I don’t understand how someone of reasonable knowledge and judgement could possibly be a tankie in 2024.

          • anarchost@lemm.ee
            3 months ago

            Even if you adopt hardline Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as an ideology, the modern state of China has applied so much pro-capitalist revisionism to it that it’s a shell of its former self. Today, Maoist parties are suppressed in China.

            I’m not a Maoist by a long shot, but I can at least appreciate the fact that the ones shouting “revisionism!” the most are the ones who have most bastardized their own texts.

            • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              it’s a shell of its former self.

              And from my reading, its former self was little more than a dictatorship with ‘communist trappings,’ anyway. Mao was a monster, and nobody to be emulated from what I’ve learned.

          • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
            3 months ago

            Eh, if by tankie you only mean literal communist tankies, that’s just a single aspect of human nature.

            There’s absolutists, extremists, and (frankly) sociopaths in every political/ideological grouping. The more you get towards an extreme, the more you run into militant examples of the group. Tankies are just the communist bloc of the crazies.

            But, there’s folks like me that are all for revolution, but draw the line at unlimited killing to achieve it, or the eradication of groups in the name of the cause. I’m an extremist by most peoples’ standards, but they’ve never been exposed to the real crazies of any extremist bloc.

            You run into the bonkers adherents of communism, anarchism, nationalism, or religious extremists, and they’re essentially the same mentality because it’s a human failing that some of us are willing to kill indiscriminately for a belief. We’re just lucky that that degree of extremism is split up, keeping them from being a serious, constant threat rather than the intermittent threat that they are.

            Seriously, if you ever spend time around people that are working towards a goal like a change towards socialist thought, you’ll run into the batshit ones on the edges. You hang around the wrong places, you’ll run into right wing militants as well. They, none of them, are avoid knowledge, judgement, or reason. They’re zealots, and they’d be the same no matter what ism infected them because it’s about the fire, the anger, not the actual thing they’re using as their obsession.

            Fuck, I’ve met a couple of people involved in pacifist movements seriously express the idea that “we” should just rise up and kill until all the warmongers are gone. People, humans, are always going to have zealots like that, no matter what.

        • tal@lemmy.today
          3 months ago

          I don’t agree with that crowd at all politically, but I don’t agree with everyone on all Web forums out there, all subreddits, all Usenet groups, or such either. We can share an Internet without it being a problem, I think. Just means that I tend to avoid a couple of instances and communities.

          l’d be more worried about influence attempts, astroturfing, than people who openly take a position. Having a hexbear or lemmygrad home instance is being pretty open about one’s positions.

        • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Those places are basically just The_Donald for people who think they’re more clever than to fall for the typical bullshit that was found in The_Donald.

          They’re not.

        • aleph@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Just to point out, Lemmy.ml isn’t really like that, with a few exceptions. Before the big influx of Reddit refugees, it used to be the default Lemmy instance, and so has quite a few non-political communities.

          It’s Lemmygrad.ml that’s the super tanky echo chamber.

          • djsoren19@yiffit.net
            3 months ago

            I mean, I’m currently getting a ton of downvotes in .ml for suggesting the radical idea of voting for local leftist politicians over destabilizing all of Western civilization.

            I’m even outwardly for the destabilization of all civilization, but apparently “actually trying to enact meaningful change” isn’t what they’re interested in, unless it involves someone else dying in their revolution.

      • dragontamer@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I mean, I don’t have much problem with people disagreeing with me. But I’m pretty openly pro-capitalist, though I’m not a dumbass libertarian.

        I recognize the need for the “capitalist edge cases” (externalities, monopolies, etc. etc.) that must be regulated and fixed for the system to work. I also recognize that we’ve failed to regulate externalities (ex: CO2 emissions), and failed to regulate monopolies / anticompetitive behavior (see Google).

        So I’m a “capitalism works, but only if we work to make it work” kind of person. I think at the moment, Reddit and many other social networks are falling into the well known and well studied failures of raw capitalism, but somehow today’s society has forgotten all the 1910s era solutions that we did (ex: Jungle, etc. etc.) where we regulated the hell out of the shitty behavior and fixed the most blatant problems, for the better of America.

        We just gotta do the same thing today.

        Overall, I accept that the commies / tankies were here first, and the history of Lemmy makes it clear why that happened.

      • Dark Arc@social.packetloss.gg
        3 months ago

        My problem with communist views is they’re unproven and have only lead to authoritarian governments when put into play.

        Capitalism has regularly gone off the rails … but not to the degree communism has. Capitalism has been defending democracy for the last few centuries, not communism.

        These are the nations that identify as communist:

        • China (PRC)
        • Cuba
        • Laos
        • North Korea (DPRK)
        • Vietnam

        These countries were previously communist and (of that has that) have pretty much only improved since transitioning to democracy with capitalist economic systems:

        • Afghanistan
        • Albania
        • Angola
        • Benin
        • Bulgaria
        • Congo
        • Czechoslovakia
        • Ethiopia
        • Germany (GDR)
        • Grenada
        • Hungary
        • Kampuchea
        • Mongolia
        • Mozambique
        • Poland
        • Romania
        • Somalia
        • Soviet Union
        • Tuva
        • Yemen (PDRY)
        • Yugoslavia

        That’s not to say that capitalism doesn’t have its problems, people here aren’t angry with it over nothing. However, if you really look at the problems it’s had, they all come down to voter manipulation and/or apathy “things are going good, why do I need to worry about politics?”.

        We didn’t just wake up with weakened labor unions, weakened voter rights, weakened infrastructure, etc; we got their because of generations of apathy and frankly electing the wrong people. People that cut taxes, asked “are you better off today than you were four years ago?” (short term gain), allowed our unions to be broken up, allowed jobs to be exported over seas to communist China (which is now one of the greatest international threats), bought the cheapest products (from mom and dad at the store to the executives running major corporations) without asking why they’re cheap, etc.

        The “common people” cast the votes that ultimately lead to corporations being people. The “middle class” cost votes that ultimately lead to the middle class shrinking.

        I think it’s naive that communism somehow automatically makes those problems go away/means we’ll never end up with similar problems. Especially when communist countries are consistently doing worse/falling into authoritarian rule.

        We need to expand our social programs, reign in our billionaires, and reign in our corporations and we’d be a lot better off. Capitalism works so long as you don’t let anyone or anything get “too big to fail.” Capitalism doesn’t have to be capitalism without limits. The reigns of power will always be challenged no matter what system we find ourselves under, only an educated vigilant population can stop that.

        • jackal@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          Capitalism “going off the rails” completely understates it. The history of the last 500 years is soaked in the blood of the capitalism. Voter apathy has nothing to do with it. Enthusiastic voters gave us genocide of indigenous peoples of North America, the nuclear bombing of Japan, and currently a 75 year genocide of Palestinians. Not to mention things that voters do not have even the semblance of a choice, such as CIA activities in the 20th century which led to bloody coups in Indonesia, Chile, and Iran, just to name 3.

          You need to incorporate class analysis or else nothing makes sense. Why do American voters get shitty choices that reduce their power to the advantage of the wealthy oligarch class? Why are there oligarchs if capitalism doesn’t tend to monopoly? Does voting actually do anything? Why does the electoral college still exist? Why did Americans support the Iraq War? What role did the media serve?

          I think it’s naive that communism somehow automatically makes those problems go away/means we’ll never end up with similar problems. Especially when communist countries are consistently doing worse/falling into authoritarian rule.

          Communism doesn’t automatically make anything go away. The point is that the ruling class of capitalists are an obstacle to making things go away. I’m not sure what is your criteria for authoritarian rule. Capitalist countries are authoritarian too, it’s basically a meaningless signifier coming out of cold war propaganda that said communism = dictatorship and capitalism = muh freedom. The democratic processes in China and Cuba of example are lightyears ahead of what you can find in the US or European parliamentary so-called democracies.

          • Dark Arc@social.packetloss.gg
            3 months ago

            The history of the last 500 years is soaked in the blood of the capitalism.

            That’s a pretty hot take to blame all the conflict that’s happened in the last 500 years on capitalism. I think it’s likely a significant oversimplification at best. For instance, you can argue many things caused (just) WW2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_World_War_II

            Voter apathy has nothing to do with it. Enthusiastic voters gave us genocide of indigenous peoples of North America, the nuclear bombing of Japan, and currently a 75 year genocide of Palestinians.

            That’s provably wrong. The voter turn out as a percentage of population is abysmal historically https://lemmy.kya.moe/imgproxy?src=en.wikipedia.org%2fwiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections#/media/File:USA_Presidential_Elections_Turnout_by_Share_of_Population.png

            I also find some of your examples, e.g., the Native Americans similarly a red herring. The plight of the Native American peoples is far more complicated than “blame capitalism.”

            Not to mention things that voters do not have even the semblance of a choice, such as CIA activities in the 20th century which led to bloody coups in Indonesia, Chile, and Iran, just to name 3.

            Voters control who is elected. Those that are elected control whether or not the CIA exists. The CIA would disappear tomorrow if only folks that believed the CIA shouldn’t exist were in congress.

            You need to incorporate class analysis or else nothing makes sense.

            No you don’t, it makes plenty of sense without “class analysis.”

            Why do American voters get shitty choices that reduce their power to the advantage of the wealthy oligarch class?

            Because of the people who vote a fraction of them bother with primaries and because it’s hard to find good people to run for office that want to do the job (for a myriad of reasons)?

            Why are there oligarchs if capitalism doesn’t tend to monopoly?

            It’s not an objective thing that “there are oligarchs.”

            Does voting actually do anything?

            Yes, voting matters. See policies under Trump vs policies under Biden. See Net Neutrality. See Climate Change Policy. See EPA Policy.

            It’s frankly anti-intellectual to claim that “voting doesn’t do anything” or even imply as much.

            Why does the electoral college still exist?

            Because people vote for representatives that don’t want to get rid of it?

            Why did Americans support the Iraq War?

            Because people vote for representatives that supported it? Because the general population was not adequately educated and engaged in politics to understand the facts of the situation and was mislead?

            What role did the media serve?

            What role didn’t the media serve? What role should it have served?

            You’re asking leading questions to argue your point similar to a flat-earth or giant-ism conspiracy theorist. Like, these questions do have answers and those answers go far beyond people’s economic classes and dive into a number of cultural, period, regional, and global factors. There isn’t one answer, and the one answer certainly isn’t “because the rich people made us do it.”

            I’m not sure what is your criteria for authoritarian rule.


            Literally, the criteria for authoritarian rule.

            Capitalist countries are authoritarian too

            No, they are not. Some may be, but the vast majority of western capitalistic societies are nowhere near authoritarian rule. The US is creeping towards it and (as elections do matter) may creep closer this year; time will tell.

            it’s basically a meaningless signifier coming out of cold war propaganda that said communism = dictatorship and capitalism = muh freedom

            That is provably false. Look at the governance models of the countries above. They were not “communism = dictatorship” they were “communism and authoritarianism.” For some reason people can’t explain away, those two things go hand and hand.

            My personal take is that when you take away ownership, ownership doesn’t disappear, it just means the state is the owner. So you go from “the rich people and the government officials own the means of production” to “the government officials (that are the rich people) own the means of production” (which is exactly what happened in China).

            The democratic processes in China and Cuba of example are lightyears ahead of what you can find in the US or European parliamentary so-called democracies.

            That’s straight up bull shit. A mono-party rule is not under any circumstance democratic.

            • jackal@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              Can you explain one thing about how the Chinese or Cuban elections work without looking it up?

              • Dark Arc@social.packetloss.gg
                3 months ago

                Would it change any of your opinion if I did?

                But yes, I can (for China), I can explain the important part … which is that the CCP required to rubber stamp any nomination to run for office. There is no democracy when your rule can not be meaningfully challenged.

                This is furthered by the infringement of rights that is the great firewall.

                EDIT: For anyone who actually is reading this and wants a source instead of “he (I) said, the other person said” here’s some information fairly well compiled: https://decodingchina.eu/democracy/

  • JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    Because there are a lot of communists on lemmy?

    Some can be very annoying. If you haven’t blocked hexbear, I highly recommend it. They got exiled from reddit years ago and have been stewing in a tankie echo chamber ever since.

    • Sootius@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      90% of the shit spouted about Hexbear is just baseless nonsense. Soon as you actually try to have a good faith discussion, they’re hecka cool.

      • JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        Not when I tried it. When shw federated, I tried for about 2 days to talk about stuff. But they kept defending Russia in it’s invasion of Ukraine with super brain dead arguments and holding up North Korea as a shinning example of communism. Plus at the ends of threads, they often just respond with poop emojis. Or even at the beginning of threads. That’s just annoying.

        Edit: oh and defending or denying China’s treatment of the Uyghur was also common.

    • Pascal@lemdro.id
      3 months ago

      They got exiled from reddit years ago

      Huh, just like everyone else here

      It’s weird rather that some people are such bootlickers that they complain about people being socialists/communists after leaving a platform because of capitalism

    • Pollux@leminal.space
      3 months ago

      Ah yes wanting a better system not built on the capitalist exploitation of the working-class is “edgy”

      Do you even know what you’re talking about?

  • riodoro1@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I think it’s because my rent is a third of my income and im not allowed to function without not only feeding the parasites but making them morbidly obese.

    • Vitaly@feddit.ukOP
      3 months ago

      so first you choose these parasites and then you hate them? How unfortunate…

      • letsgo@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        It’s not really a choice. If you don’t want to be on the streets then you have two options: buy or rent. (There is a third: squatting, but that has its own downsides.) Presumably riodoro1 can’t buy (or has chosen not to for some other reason) and doesn’t want to be homeless or a squatter.

      • riodoro1@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Sadly I was born in the world in which they had a massive head start and already own a lot of apartments making it more difficult for me to own one. Ever played monopoly? Thats what it’s actually about.

  • merthyr1831@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    When you leave reddit, a corporatised and astroturfed bot farm you’re gonna get less liberal and right wing stuff that only existed to make money or exert political influence.

    If you’re really upset by it you can filter lemmy.ml which is gonna be the main source of left wing posting.

    • Pollux@leminal.space
      3 months ago

      Also lemmy.dbzer0.com since its admin rightfully hates liberals. And lemmy.world admins have already blocked !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com lol

      I’d rather OP just goes back to reddit though honestly. There are already a surprising amount of capitalist bootlickers on Lemmy for an open source platform

  • pocketman_stuck@lemmy.eco.br
    3 months ago

    I’ve lived all my life under capitalism and I hate it.

    I’ve read Marx, (for real, grab the book and read it!) and I see the dude does have a point.

    • Ironfist@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      I thought the same many years ago, until I saw how it went for every single country that implemented communism and then I didnt like it so much. You all seriously think is a coincidence?

      • pocketman_stuck@lemmy.eco.br
        3 months ago

        You gotta look the context and learn about geopolitics. If Communism is so bad why the USA need to keep interfering with Cuba?

        Lets compare Cuba with other Caribbean islands, how they perform against those? Remember they are blocked by the strongest country in the world.

        Cuba developed its own covid vaccine, cuba sends doctors to africa in order to help people there, when Italia was in a health crisis Cuba sent thousands of doctors.

        Cuba has the most advanced and inclusive family laws in the world.

        Edit: btw Awesome album and Lemmy was an Anarchist.

        • Ironfist@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          First than anything, great taste in music my dude. Ok, fair point, these countries have it hard because of economic sanctions, but that doesn’t explain why they all devolve into a tyrannical, corrupt and repressive systems where people are forced to stay and a great majority seems to want to leave. People just don’t have free will and freedom of speech in these places. Is not a coincidence, its by design, communism is intentionally “the dictatorship of the working class”.

          And don’t get me wrong, I dislike very much the unregulated capitalistic system of the USA too, yet a lot of people in the world seem to want to live there instead of any communist country. If I those were my only options, I would hate it, but I would choose the same.

    • Sootius@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Sure I’ll just go in my alt-history time travel machine and be born in a communist state. Sorry for suggesting we improve things somewhat?

      • Maalus@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        You should go into your alt history time machine and realize how shitty it is living under communism. Why do you think every country bordering Russia hates them so much?

    • rekabis@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Especially people who never lived in a communist state

      That’s a rather impossible requirement, considering that all “communist states” to date have been oligarchic autocracies that were just as much about communism as they were democratic.

      Real communism is market ownership by the people, and not some elite cabal of politicians or capitalists. And a top-down planned economy is pretty much anti-communism, as it violates the very fundamentals of communism as being worker-driven.

      • Ironfist@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        considering that all “communist states” to date have been oligarchic autocracies

        And you think that is a coincidence?

        • rekabis@lemmy.ca
          3 months ago

          Considering how America is moving towards that same state, with it’s Republicans?

          No, I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Oligarchic autocracies can occur under any circumstances where a power-hungry elite manage to wrest control by using the masses as “useful idiots”. The Conservative leadership, in general, have learned this trick very well.

          • Ironfist@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            oh im not defending by any means the unregulated system of the USA, my point was against communism, not in favor of something else in particular.

    • uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      3 months ago

      Part of the problem is capitalist regimes keep sending assassins to murder leaders of communist movements, such as FBI killing the Black Panther leaders.

      Law enforcement in the US is harassing mutual aid organizations. Maybe they’re afraid we’ll repair the park fences and deny some business a choice government contract?

      • jeremyparker@programming.dev
        3 months ago

        While you’re not wrong, it’s important to retain a global perspective. There are “communist” leaders that were total pieces of shit and while they did have help, that help wasn’t always capitalist. Stalin is an example here.

        And then there’s pieces of shit who were supported by external forces, but not by capitalist regimes seeking to undermine them. I’m not 100% confident in this history, and there’s no way I’m going to spell his name right, but, the Romanian piece if shit, Caucescu (???) came to power riding a wave of support from the Nazis. Hitler didn’t do it to destabilize Romania, but because he was like, “there’s some good old fashioned fascist genociders down there, let’s give them more guns.” And those fascist genociders were technically communists.

        What I’m getting at is that the enemies of a worker-ruled communist state are many, and many of those enemies are within their own systems. Communism, like every other system, suffers from the fact that there are humans involved. Just because a communism exists doesn’t mean it’s going to be utopia.

        But that also doesn’t mean that communism can’t be good, or at least better.

  • Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If under communism everything is shared, that would have to include political power.

    So that would make communism a direct democracy. Which communist country was a direct democracy?

  • DudeDudenson@lemmings.world
    3 months ago

    If you intend to get informed or do any sort of political discussion on lemmy I’m afraid that’s not possible. They’re as radicalized as can be

    I just resorted to blocking every political sub, including the ones masquerading as non political. Like every news sub

    • Vitaly@feddit.ukOP
      3 months ago

      ok, so which instances do i need to block to not feel cringe every day browsing lemmy?

  • mlg@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Dunno about communist unless you count the tankies which I don’t see on the main instances.

    Lots of socialist stuff though.

    • Sagittarii@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Socialism — the dictatorship of the working-class — is the transitional mode of production between capitalism — the dictatorship of the capitalist class — and the stateless, classless mode of production that is communism. You can’t really separate the two.

      • Sidyctism@feddit.de
        3 months ago

        Thats the communist definition of socialism. Socialism originally just referred to the leftist movement as a whole (including anarchists and dem-socs, which i guess he refers to). And is also used to refer to the concept of workers owning the means of production