What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you’d have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.
What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you’d have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.
I’ve heard of people getting placenta pills to deal with the anemia after birth. I don’t plan on having kids and thus have never been interested enough to research it.
The placenta is not pleasant to look at, so I can imagine pills make it more palatable. I don’t think a lot of study has been done on the effects of eating placenta after birth, but it’s technically a separate organ that belongs to the baby.
So no matter how you spin it, they’re eating baby organs.
Pop that sucker into a blender and you don’t have to worry about how it looks. Mmm Mmm placenta milkshake.
Doesn’t actually belong to the baby, it’s a hybrid organ that contains DNA and tissue that comes from both the mother and the fetus.
Iron supplements also work 😂
Ive heard of people using the placenta pills to help reduce postpartum depression. Not sure if that works. But research has been done to show it reduces bleeding after birth if consumed immediately.
Terrible source but its late and im tired: “Postpartum hemorrhage has been controlled by using a small quarter-size piece of placenta placed in the mother’s cheek or chewed by the mother first and then held between her cheek and gum” https://www.midwiferytoday.com/mt-articles/the-power-of-placenta/
Yeah, my critical thinking self wonders what kind of magic makes bleeding stop by putting a piece of meat in your cheek.
I’m not sure it’s the meat…I think it might be the chemicals in the meat. This isn’t my hill to die on, but you’re totally OK to stick to the modern Dr’s advice if you hemorrhage after childbirth. I can’t think anyone will ever forcefeed you placenta 🙃
hormones? the body has many magic chemicals.
Bleeding stops when the uterus shrinks back down so the huge open wound left behind by the placenta becomes a small wound. Oxytocin makes that happen, and you get that by just holding your baby. I don’t know how eating the placenta would contribute.
Oh, surely there must be another way! No thank you! 🙃
Petocin injection will do it if memory serves.