• 32 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Anhedonia, i.e. the inability to feel pleasure. It’s like trying to fill a bucket with water that has a hole in the bottom, letting the water out at the same speed it goes in. Nothing you can do about it. I think this might be where the recklessness comes from; desperation to get any kind of sensation from something. You need to go to extreme lengths to get the proverbial dial to move a millimetre. So you take risks and reach for danger and generally inappropriate behaviour.

  • Thank you so much, those shaft collars look to be a much better design than the thing I drew (not much of a surprise to be honest!), I can stack a series of these instead of looking for one big solid one.

    I didn’t know that the cylinders were so dangerous 😬 I must have lucked out; I’ve had to use extreme brute-force methods to dislodge the old ones when it was time to replacement them, pointing the thing directly at my guts and face while I work it loose with a hammer and spanner. Sounds like I was unwittingly playing Russian roulette with my chair. The difficulty I have in pulling out the cylinder is why I wanna just go with a “static” setup, it’s way too much work and effort for something so simple. Now I can also add “don’t want my cheekbones to get lodged in the ceiling” to the list of reasons to go static.

    Thanks for the info and the warning!

  • It’s not unusual for people to say one thing and do another. It’s not unusual for someone to be so aggrieved that their friend died that they try to hurt the people who indirectly caused it, i.e. Boeing, so they stretch the truth for the greater good, as they see it (maybe he really said it, but as a joke, which has now been upgraded to “a cold statement of fact said with a straight face”). It’s not unusual for people to push themselves into the limelight as a “close friend” when they weren’t. It’s typical of suicides that the person seems about as unsuicidal as you can get, then apparently out of the blue and on a moment’s notice decides to do it. The man was under extreme stress, and had been for a long time. People in that situation don’t think the way we do when we read about it; being that person in that situation will necessarily change how you think and no one else can understand it until they’ve been through it. If you’ve ever had clinical depression, for example, you’ll know how indescribable it is to people who haven’t dealt with it. So saying “why would he do it, he was so close to the finish line!” means sweet fuck all.

    The same could be said for Boeing: the case was almost over, and John being dead doesn’t change anything about that. It does them no favours, the evidence of their fuckery is already well-established. He was, after all, a whistleblower. Once the whistle is blown, it’s a bit late to start offing people. Or do we all think they kill him as mere retribution/punishment?

    If they have the means and the skills to make someone’s murder look like suicide to law enforcement and the coroner, how can they be so fucking stupid to think no one would find it suspicious and make them look bad regardless? In the age of rampant conspiracism on TikTok and Twitter and the armies of reddit detectives derailing murder trials, they would have been better offing their own CEO and making it look like suicide, after he writes a lengthy note taking the blame for everything.

    Dr. David Kelly said “I’m gonna end up being found dead in the woods”, which he was, but all evidence points to it being a suicide. Princess Diana said “Charles might try to kill me in a car accident”, but the evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of her fatal accident being just that, an accident, and her supposed “friend” the butler made up a whole load of shit about her to sell a book.

    Now, I’m not saying this couldn’t possibly be a hit. But the evidence for it, at this moment in time at least, is extremely weak. It’s a whisper of a suspicion based on movie logic, but of course the internet and the “Epstein didn’t kill himself” memebrains are just running with it.

    And yes, Epstein fucking killed himself.

  • Greatly appreciate the 2FA improvement! I can finally enable it now without locking myself out, which happened every time I tried to enable it previously.

    However, in true Fediverse fashion, they’ve made it 122.6% more complicated than it needs to be. Why contain all of the relevant information in a button pointing to a highly specific protocol? I had to manually copy and paste the button’s URL into Notepad++ and cut the parts I needed from it. Why not just give the secret or a QR code like literally every other implementation of 2FA that has ever existed? I’ve never seen such a button before on any other website when I wanted to switch on 2FA, even on Mastodon they use a QR code and/or the secret key.

    And no backup codes? 🤔

    I sound like a complainy complainer, but I’m genuinely happy/grateful I could enable 2FA. I’m just a n00b who worries about people even n00bier than I am trying to figure it out.


  • Elon is psychologically compromised. Not sure if it’s rampant drug abuse, mental illness unrelated to drugs, a brain tumour, or what. But the man is not on planet earth, and not in the way he would prefer. If he weren’t a billionaire, he’d be sectioned/committed. Same with Kanye; that dude would be in care in no time flat if he were a regular Joe. This is one of the few ways that being rich and famous is a net negative; when you need help the most, you get enablers and yes men instead fermenting your insanity for their own purposes or out of fear for their own livelihoods.

  • 58008@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzExposure
    7 months ago

    I remember my friend telling me in 2000 that he saw a video at college of a guy having a knife shoved into his neck. I obviously didn’t believe him, and anyway it sounded kinda tame and I wasn’t sure why he was so disturbed by it. So we spent about 2 hours downloading RealPlayer at my house and then the video clip. Genuine trauma ensued. It’s a now-famous video of a Russian soldier being stabbed in the neck and beheaded by Chechen rebels. Turned out to be one of the lesser atrocities from that war caught on film, but it was my first internet-based trauma. The same friend and I goaded each other into clicking on links on Rotten dot com while chatting on MSN Messenger, to let the other person know how fucked up it was and if it was safe to click on the other person’s end.

    Then Ogrish dot com came along and all manner of horrors became available. Many more Chechen war atrocities, random murders, executions, the latest beheadings from Iraq, you name it they had it. It was during this period in the early to mid 2000s that I developed a thick callous around my brain which let me view those materials without getting PTSD like I did with that first video.

    Occasionally, even that decades-old callous can be penetrated. The creative folks working as chief torturers for the Central and South American drug cartels have really given me a run for my money, in terms of what I can stomach seeing. Every time I thought “well, this has to be the worst thing you can do to a human” they released another video making the previous one look like a merciful death.

    The idea of this sort of stuff being one or two clicks away from children is terrifying. Imagine a 6-year-old watching Funkytown. What manner of therapy would you even deploy in such a scenario? “Yes sweetie, sometimes bad men and women like to peel people like meat-bananas, but don’t worry, that won’t happen to you. Anyway, off to bed with ya!” 😬