• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Again, you’re saying you’re going to save $1K a month in income taxes, but that doesn’t account for the 6% sales tax you’re going to be paying on everything you buy, or the higher property taxes.

    The cost of living in FL is going to vary dramatically depending on where you go, there are many areas that are even more expensive than anywhere in Oregon. Also, you’re going to struggle to find homeowners insurance and will be at high risk of catastrophic weather, which costs money to repair/replace your home and vehicle. And honestly the culture is awful in many of the parts of FL I’ve been to

  • Those numbers you just cited are the total effective state and federal income tax rates, and only the income tax rates. It doesn’t account for property taxes or sales taxes, which is how states without income taxes fund their governments. Oregon has no sales tax, for example, but in Texas we have a 7% state sales tax. Texas’s median property tax rate is more than double Oregon’s too.

    State and local effective tax rate

    Oregon: 10.8% Texas: 8.6% Florida: 9.1%

    The reason there’s such a crusade against income tax coming from the right is because property and sales taxes are much more regressive, shifting much of the tax burden to people who have lower incomes and letting the wealthiest keep more of their money. In the end, the total average tax burden is roughly the same in most states, it’s who pays that tax burden that’s different.

    I think every state should have an income tax and eliminate or reduce sales and property taxes. I think every state should implement capital gains taxes too. The wealth inequality in the US is out of control

  • Jared Walczak, vice president of state projects at the think tank Tax Foundation, wrote in November that “a Washington state revenue official was probably moved to tears” with Bezos’ announcement that he was moving to Miami.

    “And whether tax savings motivated his move or not, the implications for Washington are very real, and serve to illustrate just how dangerous it can be to design tax systems that rely so overwhelmingly on a very small number of taxpayers choosing to stay put,” Walczak wrote.

    Jared Walczak is as dumb as a bag of bricks if he thinks the people or government of Washington state give two fucks about whether Jeff Bezos lives there.

    In his post on Instagram announcing the move away from Seattle, Bezos said he wanted be closer to family in Miami and operations for his Blue Origin space venture. He did not mention taxes.

    Lmao one of the richest men in the world decides he wants to live in Miami, where there are beautiful beaches and tropical weather, instead of Seattle, where there’s drizzle, and ol’ Jared says “See!! That’s 'cause taxes!!” Jeff Bezos has so much money he wouldn’t even notice the taxes he would’ve owed. I hope more states institute similar capital gains taxes

  • Cutting the mining and refining of rare earth oxides, aka the production of rare earth metals. That’s what this conversation is about…

    Xinhua reports (Google translation) that the state will implement a unified plan for the development of the rare earth industry. The aim is to encourage and support the research and development of new technologies, processes, products, and new materials and equipment, it says.

    Regulations will be implemented to control the total amount of rare earth mining and smelting. Additionally, Beijing intends to introduce a product traceability system to “strictly manage circulation” of rare earths.

    According to Nikkei Asia, underground resources in China already belong to the state, but illegal mining and smelting of rare earth elements is known to happen in the private sector, and it seems that Beijing is keen to tighten its control over them.

    It’s in every article about this. The price of rare earth ore in China has dropped precipitously, almost 80% since 2022. China is going to punish unauthorized mining and smelting activity and limit production among authorized producers.

    Here’s one article, use your favorite search engine to find a bunch more