Kind of just felt like sparking a discussion thread and thought this might be an interesting one.

For me personally, one of, if not, my most controversial takes is that I will associate with anyone. Regardless of their opinions of if I personally find their opinions to be disgusting or revolting. I will give anyone respect who gives me respect.

Another one which I’ve expressed here before is that I do not think someone simply being a pedophile automatically makes them a pure evil child abuser who can’t help but rape every child that they see. And that some people can have this affliction and not actively seek out abusive content or attempt abusive actions.

My opinions on loli/shota/cub are also fairly controversial, but I imagine those are mostly shared by the majority of people here.

That should probably get us started pretty good!

So, What’s a controversial take that you have that most people would disagree with?

Feel free to have peaceful discussions about other people’s responses.

    1 year ago

    I think a few decades down the road, no offence pedophilia will be destigmatized like being gay was. There was an old stigma that being gay meant that you were the type of person who who go around raping males (homosexual was used much like pedophile is). I think that in a few decades, people will say it was morally unjust to do the things that are being done to the non-offenders of today.

      1 year ago

      I don’t think it will be. I do hope that its pervasiveness will be recognized by average people, and we will stop treating me them like monsters.

      All sexual taboos are latent in human sexuality.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      I honestly don’t disagree with that and could definitely see that future becoming a reality. It definitely depends on how things go, but I’ve been seeing moves in that direction.

      1 year ago

      I think the key difference is that you can have consensual gay relationships in real life, whereas there is no analogous situation for MAPs. I do think that probably makes a pretty big difference in people’s minds, so I’m not sure how we would progress past that. Additionally, normalization was important for the LGBTQ+ movement: media depictions of “normal” gay people. That isn’t possible for MAPs in live-action, so that’s another barrier.

    1 year ago

    Gatekeeping is a good thing. Once something gets popular it attracts more attention, and that’s very bad for a small culture. Not to mention once there’s capital in the water the suits show up and take over.

    Humans are bad, and not (just) in a hippie kinda way. As a product of totally random processes we’re kinda cool, as an actual design the body is absolutely horrible. The brain is an amazing computer, but it takes down right bizarre shortcuts. We as a species need to be working towards fixing the failures of biology.

    1 year ago

    The US gov is actually very lenient and respectful with Trump, he was given a lot of opportunities to not get in trouble, and the current indictments are only happening because Trump is an extraordinary moron. Nothing anyone else did recently with classified docs even compares. Trump did everything to provoke this and more.

    1 year ago

    loli and shota are very different from cp if you have cp yeah thats bad but loli and shota is alright no body got hurt its fiction

    1 year ago

    You beat me on two of them, Disa

    +There’s a difference between an active pedophile going around raping kids, and someone who’s sexually attracted to minors but knows it’s fucked up and doesn’t do that. Buddy of mine’s in that situation (well, with animals instead of kids) and hates himself for it. It’s not his fault his brain’s wired that way.

    +Loli/Shota are harmless and are just drawings at the end of the day. Liking them doesn’t make you a bad person nor a pedo (and if it does, I guess a lotta FPS players are gonna go to jail for manslaughter). More people really need to distinguish between reality and fiction, is all I’m saying.

    But now for my totally original controversial take (it’s never been done before, promise):

    +Cereal and Milk is fucking gross. (Yes, I eat it DRY). Actually, no, plain milk by itself is just disgusting…especially warm.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      100% agreed, people can’t control how they are wired, they can only control their responses/actions to said wiring. It also doesn’t help that there’s well, no place these individuals can get help without having their whole life immediately ruined. Which makes it basically something they have to deal with alone. I have no doubt that causes a lot of people with these afflictions to become radicalized by finding communities which are not exactly anti-abuse.

      The thing that makes no sense to me are the people who say that loli/shota/cub is somehow different than video games. They’ll go and use the exact arguments used against video games and use them against loli/shota/cub. And defend video games by using the exact logic that, if applied fairly, would also apply as defenses for loli/shota/cub. The individuals who do this seem to stop there and if you go and try to ask them why it’s different and why those arguments somehow work (or don’t work) against the thing they like, but somehow are different when applied to loli/shota/cub. In the end it usually gets boiled down to “I like this thing, whereas this other thing makes me uncomfortable.”

      I don’t think i’ve ever heard of anyone eating cereal dry, is it good? Is it like eating chips, or like popcorn? Do you still use a spoon?

        1 year ago

        You know I actually hadn’t thought of that, that if you’re wired to like those things your choices are either to trust that some close friend group will accept and try to help you, or essentially endure the exile alone and (hopefully) you don’t crack. Shit is completely fucked. I know it’ll sound odd if i go like “that guy that’s sexually attracted to dogs is not so different from a bisexual or gay person” but at the end of the day that’s kinda…true. the only difference is that in one instance, the brain is wired to favor a consenting adult, and the other, unfortunately isn’t.

        I wanna say it’s selective obliviousness, but maybe that’s not the right word. Exactly like the above. Again, I get it, it’s uncomfortable for people, but at the end of the day, both cub/shota/loli even guro and something like COD or Halo are fictional. If it’s actual child porn, then yeah, the majority of people will have a problem with it. Just like if actual war crimes or acts of terrorism were committed IRL and not in a game, most people’d understanably be up in arms about it–but, well, it’s not…it’s a drawing. I also think it’s just people’s weird double standards regarding sex and violence. You know how it is: Manhunt, the game where you’re brutally executing psychos in snuff films for your family’s freedom (never mind the fact the guy making you do this is getting off to it. off screen tho, so you only hear it), is a-ok according to Sony, but if a random anime girl has the audacity to even show a lil bit of skin, they start clutching pearls. It’s retarded IMO

        It’s funny that you link it to popcorn, because that’s exactly what i compare it to. And nah, no spoon, I usually eat it in a cup so I don’t get my hands dirty (just careful so i don’t choke lol), but sometimes I eat it in a bowel. I never eat it for breakfast tho, just as a snack occasionally

        • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
          1 year ago

          Yeah, there are a few sites I’ve seen and heard from others where apparently they are supportive communities for those attracted to children who don’t advocate for abuse. But regardless, it’s a very difficult position to be in and definitely isn’t the solution for everyone.

          I think you’re right about it being selective obliviousness. I’m personally someone who is not a fan of graphic depictions of violence, I’d never try to say that violent video games cause school shootings or anything. Because I can understand that even though I am not a fan of the content, the content is harmless, regardless of how I feel about it. A lot of that stuff from companies like Sony is completely performative. Sony is the company who owns Funimation (now Crunchyroll) who has dubbed a lot of shows which include lolis depicted in sexual or sexually suggestive situations and sold it to the masses. Haganai, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid are 2 examples I can think of. Major companies like that are hypocrites of the highest caliber.

          Yeah, I don’t eat personally, but I was just thinking of someone eating a bag of popcorn, but instead of popcorn it was cereal. xD It’s a pretty silly image to imagine, but like, why not? I can’t see any real reason as to why it would be a bad idea, except I guess the potential choking risk. Speaking of, is that hard to manage? I would assume it’d be fairly easy to manage, though I’m not sure as I lack the fundamental experience to get a good idea.

            1 year ago

            That and there’s always a chance that a place meant to help and heal something like that is well, misused. I imagine it’s a helluva tightrope to walk

            Yup. I love me my violent games and horror movies, not ashamed of playing or watching risque anime (but, I’d never cross ecchi/hentai stuff with violence. Too much for me. Regular violence, cool, extreme sexual violence, not my thing. The only exception is when Silent Hill does it, but even then…it’s Silent Hill, you kinda expect to be grossed out), but then again, you saw my first post…so you can imagine my frustration when i see hypocracy like that (we’re not even gonna get into the topic of Crunchy starting out as a anime pirating site, and then the second they could, they started demonizing piracy even if some had legit reasons to do so. that makes my blood boil even tho it probably shouldn’t) instead of the, to me, logical conclusion of “Hey, they’re both fake, and at the end of the day sex is more normal than ripping a guy’s spinal cord out, maybe we shouldn’t be so trigger happy”.

            Depends on the cereal. If it’s flakes and they’re pretty crushed it’s not so bad to waterfountain or just chug (or well, not chug, exactly, just drop into your mouth), if it’s something like Reeses Puffs, it’s much easier to just grab them, but if you’re steady you can drop some in your mouth from the cup no problem. Never had a problem doing it personally

            • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
              1 year ago

              Oh, the moderation on that sort of website is a Herculean task I would never want to even attempt.

              I also hate hypocrasy like that, piracy sites demonizing piracy the second they get enough illicit funds to somehow go legit. I don’t even know how this happens, like how did crunchyroll get anime companies to go with them after being a literal piracy site for years? I just, you’d assume they’d tell crunchyroll to go gargle foot water. But somehow they’re like “Yeah, you’ve been illegally making profit off our works for years now, let’s do business!” like…huh? I don’t get it.

              I definitely agree though, fiction is fiction, reality is reality, let’s make a point of keeping it that way. There’s no real benefit to the alternative anyway, imagine a world where loli/shota/cub is treated the same as actual genuine CP. Alright, now a guy gets arrested for possession of child pornography. Nobody cares because now that could mean the guy was a certified kid diddler or kid diddle enjoyer… or… he just so happened to look at a drawing which he forgot to carbon date the paper it was drawn on beforehand. Not to mention it’s allocating valuable resources to individuals who aren’t doing anything to harm anyone. Resources which could be used to help actual kids.

              Lol, now i’m just imagining you opening a cereal box and just dumping the contents into your mouth, like someone drinking straight out of the milk carton.

                1 year ago

                Yeah, those guys are doing a thankless job, but one that’s worth it IMO

                That imagined scenerio, i think I have heard about someone getting charged with CP because they found an explicit Loli H Manga when they were searching his house for substances. Could have been bullshit, but I honestly wouldn’t be that surprised.

                Hey now, I’m not that much of a savage lol

                • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
                  1 year ago

                  To my knowledge In the U.S. at least, there’s been no cases of a guy getting charged for possession of CP simply for possession loli/shota/cub content. All cases that involve fictional content which have actually been charged, included possession of the genuine article. However, in oppressive countries like Canada, The UK, Australia etc… I wouldn’t be surprised if such stories were found to be true. They’re really big on criminalizing thought, speech and expression over there.

                  My wife would totally be that much of a savage. xD

              • Pink
                1 year ago

                imagine a world where loli/shota/cub is treated the same as actual genuine CP

                Australia. No, really.

                • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
                  1 year ago

                  Yep, there’s a few countries who are retarded like this. Australia, UK, Canada, there’s definitely a few who do it, despite it doing nothing but genuinely waste resources and money. Those countries are at a race to the bottom imho, they want to see who can remove the most human rights the fastest.

        1 year ago

        I have…actually not considered the latter. As a meat eater…yeah, it’s gonna be hard lol

        Almond milk is something I’ve actually wanted to try for a while now. Just honestly never found the chance to properly give it a chance.

        • Pink
          1 year ago

          There used to be a soy milk brand named WestSoy (or I guess they changed their name to West Life? haven’t had it under the new name). Probably an acquired taste, but if you’re feeling adventurous I guess you could try the original (don’t go for the vanilla).

    • Pink
      1 year ago

      plain milk by itself is just disgusting

      I was a vegan for a year or so, but I ended up having to stop. Made myself a pb&j and decided to have a glass of whole milk with it. It was so strong that I felt like I was drinking liquid cheese.

        1 year ago

        Props for being a vegan, even if you stopped. IDK how you found the fortitude to do it, but I couldn’t imagine trying to let go of meat, personally lol

        I wanna say that’s what caused my dislike for milk too, just had a bad cup. Then again, I don’t wanna imagine how bad said cup was because, if I can’t even remember it, it must’ve been something else…

    1 year ago

    Oh boy, I have a lot of them. Might as well dump them in a comment.

    • Incest shouldn’t be a big deal as long as both parties consent. Sure, it’s not genetically ideal, but even having children with a sibling is for the most part safe, as long as the next generation doesn’t take part in inbreeding as well.
    • I think being trans while saying gender is a spectrum is an ontological contradiction, because transitioning from male to female or vice-versa is embracing the view that there’s two well defined genders. I don’t dislike them as a group, but I find this cognitive dissonance very annoying.
    • The environmental damage from cryptocurrencies is way overblown. Most of it involves green energy like solar-powered systems, and the whole thing is incredibly small when compared to heavy hitters like industrial complexes and heating/cooling. It may not be efficient compared to systems like that from Visa, but that’s to be expected when you use a decentralized platform.
    • Gatekeeping is used incorrectly most of the time. Closing off a community by not allowing new members and creating an elitist secret club is gatekeeping. Telling people to read/play/watch whatever they’re supposed to be fans of and to do as the romans do whem in Rome, is not gatekeeping, but rather them (edit: the people being “gatekept”) acting like assholes.
    • In an ideal world, sex would only be legal if you pass a test displaying yout knowledge of sex ed and maturity. Anyone, of any age, is allowed to take this test, and such you could see kids with a sex licence and adults without one. Well, that’s more of a dystopia than a real ideal world due to concerns with the rights of people, but the idea is that age of consent doesn’t really make sense and is more of a hack that barely solves a problem.
    • Government scales poorly.
    • I never understood mainstream beauty/uglyness standards. I think a lot of celebrities don’t look all that hot, and most of the people IRL I’ve been attracted to are rather plain looking, but I might be biased shen taking into consideration the fact that I know them personally (and that I have a thing for jimiko/mojo characters, apparently).
      1 year ago
      • I mean, it’s also entirely possible to just have a romantic & sexual relationship… without having kids.
      • Isn’t “male” and “female” referring to different sides of one (possibly the only, I’m not super well-researched) axis of gender in that scenario? Like, you can both consider gender a spectrum… and want to be on the other side of/in another place on that spectrum. And I don’t think we have common words for anything more specific than splitting it into thirds (ish?) i.e. female, nonbinary, male (or something).
      • I think this is a case of popular opinion trailing behind reality. As far as I know, at one point cryptocurrency mining had meaningful negative effects on the environment (or would have had them in the future if it didn’t change), but that has since changed.
      • You’re missing another common usage of the term, wherein the individual being gatekept is reading/playing/watching whatever they’re supposed to be fans of but happen to have some side trait that the gatekeeper disagrees with (including such things as “has a different favorite work in the series”)
      • Yes, 100% agreed. If such a test wouldn’t be a really powerful lever for any malicious individual or group to wield against people it would be ideal.
      • I don’t really have any thoughts on this one.
      • That’s not a controversial take, that’s a mundane opinion about your experience of beauty.
        1 year ago

        I mean, it’s also entirely possible to just have a romantic & sexual relationship… without having kids.

        Given the genetic consequences of inbreeding are the main reason behind the taboo of incest, I think talking about it is important, and even that only really applies to direct relatives (siblings, parents, children), but I’m not well researched on that, so please don’t take my word as fact. Ignoring that, well duh, of course you should be free to date and/or have sex with absolutely anyone you like, as long as they consent and know what they’re doing (the test I mentioned would be very handy here, wouldn’t it?)

        Isn’t “male” and “female” referring to different sides of one (possibly the only, I’m not super well-researched) axis of gender in that scenario? Like, you can both consider gender a spectrum… and want to be on the other side of/in another place on that spectrum

        Yeah, I didn’t use the right terms, that’s on me. Rather than viewing gender as a spectrum, I was thinking of people who throw gender out of the window, stating it is a social construct and we should be questioning our identity. Maybe there’s way less people who think like that than those who see it as a spectrum, but as I see it, they’re both essentially ways to minimize the role of gender in our lives.

        the individual being gatekept is reading/playing/watching whatever they’re supposed to be fans of but happen to have some side trait that the gatekeeper disagrees with (including such things as “has a different favorite work in the series”)

        Such behavior is obnoxious, sure, but I don’t know if I’d call it “gatekeeping” when it feels more like a splinter among a larger community, especially when you’re able to ignore and block them. Well, I’ve rarely seen such behavior myself because I’m not really part of big communities where that’s common (non-anonymous ones, at least), so I’m not the best person to talk about this.

      1 year ago

      Man, I’m right there with you WRT beauty. Mainstream beauty standards are just so far removed from what I actually find attractive, I can’t even tell when someone’s supposed to be hot. Also

      Government scales poorly.

      I couldn’t agree more, that’s a great way of putting it.

    1 year ago

    i have to skip giving an opinion on your views about pedophilia because i dont feel that i could be respectfull.

    i will say that my controversial take on something that alot of people disagee on is the way swiss rolls are supposed to be eaten.

    the outer chocolate layer gets nibbled off first. then you slowly unravel the roll by eating from left to right until you have a cakey take filled with cream that is then eaten from straight on

      1 year ago

      As weird as it is to express, it wasn’t an opinion. It’s a fact. It’s controversial even in leftist spaces (brought up because they care about outcomes and mental health), but the stigma does prevent people from seeing therapy. Although that is a very careful balance that’d have to be reached to convince people to get help.

      • Pink
        1 year ago

        Not only that, but many therapists will not take pedophile clients due to lack of training, some might report them to police because they assume every pedophile is a child molester, and so they report them in order to protect themselves in the face of mandatory reporting laws, and others might take them, but only have training dealing with offending pedophiles. This makes it difficult and risky for a nonoffending pedophile to get a therapist, and even if they do, the therapist may not actually be able to help them. So, ironically, the current pedophile panic could actually be increasing risk to children.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      I want to say, thank you for despite disagreeing with me and probably even finding my opinion disgusting or objectionable in some way, which is not uncommon. That you are able to take a second look and realize that you would not be able to talk about the topic respectfully and aknowledging that. That takes a lot, especially in todays internet landscape. So, I wanted to say thank you for remaining respectful.

      I didn’t know that how to eat a swiss role was a thing people disagreed on. As a non-eating person, this is actually the first time I’ve ever heard of any way to eat a swiss roll.

        1 year ago

        Sorry if this is too personal and/or irrelevant, but what do you mean you’re a non-eating person? How do you get the nutrients humans need?

        • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
          1 year ago

          My digestive system doesn’t work, and because of that, I was never taught how to eat. I get all my nutrients through Central Line I.Vs. Hope this helps answer your question. :D

    1 year ago

    Looks like I’m on the same page with a lot of people here.

    • How pedophilia is treated in (US) society leads to repressed, unstable people who are more likely to harm children than if it didn’t have as much stigma. Harming real kids is a hard line that should not be crossed, but as long as people can enjoy violent gory horror without becoming a serial killer, people should be able to get off on whatever fantasies they like. Same applies to any alt-sex stuff, really: incest, zoophilia.
    • Reality is subjective, the only way objectivity can exist is under subjectively defined parameters. And the really controversial part of this; I think those who can’t see how made-up everything is are egotistical and/or lacking in empathy; you can’t go through life and think everything you don’t understand or don’t believe is incorrect without a very narrow view of the world.
    • Sugary things are gross.
    • Military service should be mandatory. Every individual needs to understand that wartime deaths aren’t numbers from a news article, that you, your friends, and your family’s lives aren’t any more special than theirs. It would also improve both military and civilian culture if every able-bodied adult from all walks of life had to learn how to coexist and work together for a year or two.
    • Basically every third person AAA game made in the past decade is ruined by squishy and unresponsive controls - including games that supposedly handle well like Dark Souls. I want direct, mechanical controls, not strung-together QTEs. (MHW < MH4U)
    • Mid-late 2000s/early 2010s pop is as dumb and fun as 80s pop.
    • The concept of identity is extremely harmful and a detriment to society. Gender, race, and sexuality are the obvious hot-button manifestations, but also any beliefs along the lines of ‘I am a person who is x’. Be multifaceted person you are, treat others as the complex individuals who they are, don’t try to shove everything into these boxes so you can make judgements (and then complain about the subsequent cognitive dissonance). I don’t particularly agree with the communist parts, but this article does a great job at putting into words my issues with identity.
    1 year ago

    Having individuals (or very small groups) who hold significant power/capital (but are still subject to the rule of law) can be societally useful because they can push forward large-scale, high-cost projects without needing to convince vast numbers of people to care about it.

    • Sandworm-7's
      1 year ago

      The old captains of industry argument. Certainly a controversial one lol.

      I see the merit in this argument to be honest, it is a very efficient system. But I think the inevitable wealth inequality is too big a tradeoff. You also have to worry about those people becoming malicious or acting like dinguses.

        1 year ago

        I fundamentally question the claim that wealth inequality is bad in and of itself. It doesn’t really harm me that there exist individuals with significantly higher standards of living, or that there exist individuals more capable of effecting large-scale change than me.

        Also, it’s not exactly as though any system can somehow remove bad actors and/or human error/foolishness from the equation. But the scenario I described specifically defined them as being beholden to normal rule of law, therefore limiting the effect of maliciousness on their part to what I would consider a reasonable degree

        I’m not sure “they might be foolish” is really that much of a downside either—them allocating resources to long-shot ideas is kinda part of the benefit, and if they throw money at some boondoggle like Elon’s hyperloop… oh well, it’s not like that money up and vanished. It’s not exactly as though paying a bunch of people to consider a foolish idea and build prototypes really meaningfully harmed them or society as a whole.

        • Pink
          1 year ago

          I fundamentally question the claim that wealth inequality is bad in and of itself. It doesn’t really harm me that there exist individuals with significantly higher standards of living, or that there exist individuals more capable of effecting large-scale change than me.

          I agree with you in the broader context. Individually, it shouldn’t matter how much money a specific other person has. And I’m not a big fan of wealth redistribution (I tend to think of it as theft). However, when there is a limited resource that everyone needs, it can cause problems for those with less money.

          For example, many workers in Silicon Valley make good money, and they need housing, of which there is a shortage (the reasons for the shortage are important, as well as attempted fixes, etc, but I’ll skip over those so I don’t descend too much into politics). So the price of housing goes up due to limited supply and high demand. And of course sellers want to maximize their sales or rent price, so they charge what the market can bear. Because people there have money, they can pay a lot and so the price goes up. This is fine if everyone is making around the same amount of money. However, those who do not have well paying jobs (income inequality) cannot easily afford housing and are priced out of the market. So the inequality means they can’t easily afford housing. And that’s just income inequality.

          One could certainly argue that the income inequality isn’t the only cause, rather the artificially limited housing supply. But, regardless of the cause of the housing crisis there, or potential solutions, I think it provides an example of how inequality can have a negative effect on someone.

          EDIT: cleaned up some terminology.

            1 year ago

            One could certainly argue that the income inequality isn’t the only cause, rather the artificially limited housing supply. But, regardless of the cause of the housing crisis there, or potential solutions, I think it provides an example of how inequality can have a negative effect on someone.

            I mean, yeah, it does show how wealth inequality can be some part of causing a negative effect in a specific situation. But, the deeper causes are kinda important if you want to use it as an example of how specifically wealth inequality by itself would cause negative effects.

      1 year ago

      i love TNG but Janeway really stole my heart. Voyager really is for a niche group of people even within the Trekkerverse

      1 year ago

      What are your thoughts on Cheetos? Honestly, I feel Hot Cheetos are more overrated than Doritos…not that they’re not good, just overrated, ya know (tho TBH, I’m a Lays/Ruffles dude anyways so i think they’re both alright. The potato calls, why deny it)

        1 year ago

        Cheetos are worse than Doritos if we’re talking about taste and smell, but I don’t think they are overrated like Doritos, at least not where I live

          1 year ago

          Fair enough, where I live everyone loves thier hot cheetos, with or without nacho cheese. The Doritos are always just chilling, ignored, but that’s probably good news to your ears lol

    1 year ago

    When a mind believes it’s the opposite gender of the body it inhabits - that seems like the textbook definition of a mental illness.

    I’m not saying such people should be discriminated against, hated, threatened, or shamed in any way - I think they should be loved and supported just like anyone with any other mental illness. But somehow it’s basically a hate crime now to call it that, and everyone is pretending it’s the same as a sexual preference like being lesbian/gay/bi.

    LGB is simply a spectrum for who you’re attracted to - T is a complete disconnect between your body and ego. If that isn’t a ‘mental illness’ then those words have no meaning.

    1 year ago

    I don’t like lettuce on my burgers. Every time I’ve had it it’s just soggy and wet and it’s been ruined for me.