Kind of just felt like sparking a discussion thread and thought this might be an interesting one.

For me personally, one of, if not, my most controversial takes is that I will associate with anyone. Regardless of their opinions of if I personally find their opinions to be disgusting or revolting. I will give anyone respect who gives me respect.

Another one which I’ve expressed here before is that I do not think someone simply being a pedophile automatically makes them a pure evil child abuser who can’t help but rape every child that they see. And that some people can have this affliction and not actively seek out abusive content or attempt abusive actions.

My opinions on loli/shota/cub are also fairly controversial, but I imagine those are mostly shared by the majority of people here.

That should probably get us started pretty good!

So, What’s a controversial take that you have that most people would disagree with?

Feel free to have peaceful discussions about other people’s responses.

    1 year ago

    Man, I’m right there with you WRT beauty. Mainstream beauty standards are just so far removed from what I actually find attractive, I can’t even tell when someone’s supposed to be hot. Also

    Government scales poorly.

    I couldn’t agree more, that’s a great way of putting it.