• 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Tbh, I don’t recommend beginners to try out multiple distros in the beginning. Realistically, if you don’t have in depth Linux knowledge already, all you’ll be able to differentiate is the look of the DE and the wallpaper.

    I find, too much choice tends to confuse beginners more than it helps them.

    So I’d rather recommend something simple like Ubuntu and let them try out the flavours with the different DEs.

    Choice is better for later when people actually understand what they are looking for.

  • E-mail. E-mail does support small servers.

    Btw, I think you are mixing up a few topics here, so let’s see what you actually want.

    • Protocols are what computers use to communicate with each other. No protocols means no interaction between different computers/servers. Without protocols, none of the things you ask for can be possible.
    • Federated services don’t have single sign on. On the contrary, single sign on is a centralized service not a distributed one. To clarify that: I cannot log into lemmy.world with my feddit.de accout, same as I cannot log into hotmail with my gmail account. In both cases I log into my instance/provider and this allows me to communicate with people on other instances/providers. Federation is the process of sharing content between instances. SSO on the other hand is a centralized service that then communicates with other services to let you log into these other services. For example, I can log into my Google account and then use this to login to other sites. This only works because people trust Google. This would not work as a decentralized service with untrusted servers.
    • Duplication is used on federated services for a few reasons. First, it’s a kind of caching mechanism distributing the load. If someone posts something on one instance, it’s transferred only once to the other instances which then serve it to all their users. Without duplication, each individual view would have to be requested again from the original instance. The other advantage is that the admins of all the instances retain control over the content. If the other instance goes offline, users can still see “their” copy of the content. And if the other instance doesn’t moderate their content, the mods/admins of your instance can do that themselves.

    So as you see, these concepts aren’t there just for fun, but for a purpose.

  • It’s actually not wrong if you look at it in another way.

    • Big tech will abuse your data, but it will do within legal constraints, and there is actuall (though weak) accountability of these companies due to the legal system.
    • On federated services like Lemmy, instances are hosted by anonymous individuals. Most social media laws don’t apply to them, and their legal accountability is basically zero.
    • Lemmy, for example, does not comply with GDPR. There is no legal notice, no privacy contact person, no banner asking whether you are ok with the fact that your data is sent to unknown servers in random nations, no nothing. Private messages aren’t even encrypted, so any admin can read them without issues.
    • There is no way to actually delete your data, as the GDPR requires. Deleted posts are only marked as deleted and you can see their plain text content by just pressing the “reply” button in any of the apps. There isn’t any kind of guarantee, that your post will be deleted on other instances. If federation has problems, the post will remain on other instances and is now permanently undeletable by the user.
    • There are no moderation standards. Some instances will delete nazi content, some basically require nazi content. And some instance admin might even edit your posts to say something completely different. It’s all possible and in the hands of random people on the internet.
    • Hobbyist-run services are much worse when it comes to availability and reliability. If something happens while the admin is on holiday, nothing will get fixed. If the admin runs out of money, doesn’t care anymore or even dies, the instance with all it’s content and users is just gone.

    So there are very real risks attached to a hobbyist-run service with no legal accountability and no transparency at all.

    We all know the downsides of Big Tech though, so it’s everyone’s personal choice to figure out which disadvantages hurt them personally more.

  • And the FOSS system seems to be collapsing right now for the same reason that anarcho-communism only works short-term until someone sees commercial value in it and abuses the system to the limit.

    • Big corporations initially providing exceptional services based on FOSS and after a while use their market share to excert undue control about the system (see e.g. RedHat, Ubuntu, Chrome, Android, …)
    • Big corporations taking FLOSS, rebranding it and hiding it below their frontend, so that nobody can interact with or directly use the FLOSS part (e.g. iOS, any car manufacturer, …)
    • Big and small companies just using GPL (or similar) software and not sharing their modifications when asked (e.g. basically any embedded systems, many Android manufacturers, RedHat, …)
    • Big corporations using infrastructure FOSS without giving anything back (e.g. OpenSSL, which before Heartbleed was developed and maintained by a single guy with barely enough funding to stay alive, while it was used by millions of projects with a combined user base of billions of users)

    The old embrace-extend-extinguish playbook is everywhere.

    And so it’s no surprise that many well-known FOSS developers are advocating for some kind of post-FOSS system that forces commercial users to pay for their usage of the software.

    Considering how borderline impossible it is for some software developer to successfully sue a company to comply with GPL, I can’t really see such a post-FOSS system work well.

  • Schwierig.

    Das Problem ist, dass Populismusanfälligkeit nicht an den Themen hängt.

    Populismusanfälligkeit kommt an der Kreuzung aus “hat generell viel Angst”, “hat nicht die Fähigkeit/Geduld/Willen anständig zu recherchieren”, “ist leichtgläubig” und “lebt Angst als Wut aus”.

    Das sind grundlegende Charaktereigenschaften, und die sind nicht abhängig vom Thema um das es geht.

    Man kann also Populismus-Whack-a-Mole betreiben und es eventuell schaffen, erfolgreich gegen einzelne Themen zu argumentieren. Aber kaum hat man eines dieser Themen vom Tisch, kommt die betreffende Person mit fünf weiteren Spinnereien ums Eck.

    Und während man lange Recherchen und gute Argumente braucht, um so einen Mist zu widerlegen, braucht die betroffene Person nur eine halbe Überschrift oder einen 3-Zeilen-Post auf Telegram lesen, und der nächste Blödsinn ist da.

    Wichtiger ist es somit, sofern der Draht zu dem Gegenüber gut genug ist, ihnen zu helfen, ihre Angst in Griff zu bekommen.

    Kleine Anekdote von meinem jüngeren Ich: Vor gut 10 Jahren war ich mal in einem mäßig besetzten Bus unterwegs (längere Strecke). Da steigt ein offensichtlich erkennbarer Neonazi ein und fängt an, die Leute anzupöbeln. Ich schau ihn an und sag “Hast einen schlechten Tag heute?”

    Er war etwas baff und hat erst gedacht, ich wollt ihn provozieren. Ich hab meine Frage wiederholt und ihn gefragt, ob er darüber reden will.

    Er hat sich dann neben mich gesetzt und hat mir seine ganze Lebensgeschichte erzählt. Beginnend mit seiner alleinerziehenden, gewalttätigen Mutter, seinem Versagen in der Schullaufbahn (inklusive heftigem Mobbing), bis zu der Neonazigruppe, die wohl die einzigen Menschen sind, die ihm gegenüber positiv waren und ihn aufgebaut haben. Und schlussendlich dazu, dass die gemeinsam letztens wen verprügelt haben und er dafür demnächst zwei Jahre einsitzen muss.

    War der Typ ein gewalttätiger Neonazi? Ja, klar. Ist das verabscheuenswürdig? Auch ja.

    Aber dahinter ist doch noch ein Mensch, der eben seine Angst in Hass umwandelt.

    Ich weiß nicht, ob ich ihm helfen hab können. Hab ihn danach nicht wieder gesehen. Aber ich hab es zumindest versucht. Und ich kann nur hoffen, dass ihm diese Begegnung noch immer so präsent ist wie mir.

    Solche Leute verlieren ihre Angst nicht dadurch, dass man die Verbindung zu ihnen kappt. Deren Hass ist ein Symptom, nicht die Ursache. Begegnet man ihnen mit Hass, dann trifft man damit nicht ihren Hass, sondern ihre Angst, die dadurch verstärkt wird.

    Das hier ist natürlich kein Aufruf, fremden Hasstätern alles durchgehen zu lassen, weit davon.

    Aber wenn man so wen im familiären Umfeld hat, der einem eigentlich nahe steht, dann hilft es zu wissen, dass man gegen ihre Angst angehen muss, nicht gegen ihren Hass.

  • Happens in most languages.

    Also, many languages have a link between deafness and lacking intelligence, e.g. dumb meaning “not able to speak” and “not intelligent”.

    In general, being sensitive to people with disabilities (both physical and mental) is a rather young concept, hence anything that would make someone not be able to be part of society is often also an insult.

    That’s also why e.g. terms linked deafness/muteness are often an insult to someone’s intelligence, while e.g. terms linked to blindness are not. Blind people might be unable to perform some things seeing people are able to, but blindness doesn’t necessarily limit someone’s ability to be part of a society unaccomodating to people with disabilities.