• hark@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Democrats preserve the status quo while republicans push things further to the right. Since our system guarantees that both parties will win at different times, the trajectory is always to the right. I’m voting for democrats down the entire ballot like I do every single election, but it will ultimately not make a meaningful difference. Democrats are using minorities as a shield for their own failings and inaction. If you don’t vote for democrats then they claim it’s your fault for whatever situation minorities find themselves in, but democrats do the bare minimum they can for minorities when they do get voted in. You’re providing a prime example when you use minorities in the US as an excuse to change the subject from genocide in Palestine.

    “Identity politics” is a loaded term, but democrats will absolutely play different disadvantaged groups against one another to stop progress. They did it in 2016 when Bernie was talking about the need to help poor people and democrats came out with “but what about poor black people?!” even though democrats don’t do shit for poor black people either and as if poor black people aren’t included in the group of poor people.

    • DogWater@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I’m literally pointing out your hypocrisy. I’d rather noone one be suffering from a fanatical authoritarian figure be that netenyahu or Trump, but it isn’t a super secret centrist agenda to point out that you will be furthering the suffering of people domestically to make yourself feel good about protesting something that will happen under trump or Biden regardless.

      Soapboxing about Democrats doing nothing is demonstrably false, the population has moved farther left quicker than the government, obviously. government is slow. But politics has always trended more progressive than it was in the past. The populace has to drag it kicking and screaming, but it does happen.

      I’m probably further left than you, I’m further left than most people. Socialism, Karl Marx, anti capitalism, and French razor blades type stuff.

      It doesn’t make me centrist to protect lgbtq folks and women at home with my vote. The fact that you’re salty that I’m pointing that fact out and you feel for some reason that that isn’t a meaningful difference is a you problem. I’m not here making excuses for the status quo to continue, it’s just the facts that we need to do that for now during this election to help the most people possible and your ignoring that.

      I can vote for Biden and still criticize him and socially be part of a collective voice that is screaming for change. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Your saying minorities have been a pawn for centrists to use, but your ideology is suggesting that it would be better to ignore them and allow violence against them to continue and ramp up under trump. All because other people are suffering, who, tragically, will continue to suffer regardless of the president. That’s insane and morally dispicable.

      At least your still voting for Biden even if you don’t believe anything I’m explaining so thank fuck for that