• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • “Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza”

    Israeli action in Gaza is genocide.

    Therefore majority in the US disapprove of genocide.

    Seems pretty straightforward, right? But to PugJesus over here, this somehow doesn’t mean that and instead means that a majority of Americans support genocide. How? Hard to tell, but PugJesus over here is fighting really hard to claim that most people love genocide for some reason.

  • The first poll I posted is from march and showed a big difference with most people not approving of israel’s campaign of genocide. You went and posted a poll from february with a 1% more in favor of israel in the total category. I posted a slightly later poll than yours showing a 1% difference with more not in favor of israel to show the trend. Hopefully this is laid out simply enough for you to understand, but it seems like you’re trying your hardest to twist yourself into a pretzel so that you can elevate support for genocide.

  • Says the one who first posted a poll from february so that you could claim that most Americans love genocide as much as you do. The reality is that:

    • Support for israel’s campaign of genocide has fallen as more people see it for what it is.
    • The majority of supporters of genocide are republicans.

    So tell me, what’s your point? Because it looks like you’re just trying your damnedest to elevate support for genocide. Not a good look.

  • As I pointed out months ago, your poll is from february (older than my poll) and more people have been turning against israel as their campaign of genocide drags on. Even disregarding that, it’s interesting that you’re trying to paint a one percent difference between the favors and opposes as “majority of Americans”, giving more importance to fascist opinion even though this is a difference within a margin of error and, again, this is a poll from february when israel has been losing support. You really shouldn’t be lobbing accusations of others being fascist when you elevate fascist opinions like this.

  • You didn’t look at your own poll last time and you didn’t look at it this time either. Here, let me point it out again, this time with a screenshot:

    Oh, would you look at that, only right-wing conservatives and republicans edge out in favor of giving aid to israel’s campaign of genocide. For some reason you think we should be catering to republican fascists. Are you sure you’re not the one who is the fascist? You love using projection like they do and you insist that “most Americans” support fascist policies.