I (M32) and D (F28) have known eachother for about 3 years now and have been dating for the majority of that time in a casual sort of matter. She was someone’s fiance prior to us starting a relationship so they’ve had things between the two that they still share between the two like a pet dog.

I’ve been aware of this and have for the most part let her do her thing, I have no idea what that situation is like and didn’t want to be in the way of it assuming it’d become less of a thing over time. I told her that I did not want to be caught in the middle of anything.

Being passive about it for so long has proven to an issue for me, contact between them hasn’t really decreased, nor has our casual dating developed into anything more than that, despite me wanting something more.

Towards Christmas, D wasn’t driving her own car, driving the other persons car. I got a handful of non-answers about why, or why their own family didn’t help him if he needed a car to drive. His car was not broken, they just…switched cars for multiple days.

I had eventually had a conversation about these things D after explaining that he still visits her apartment to talk from time to time. I expressed that this sort of arrangement with him seems to be more than just splitting things still. She mostly conceded and agreed it might be too much.

Which brings me to most recently… I was assisting D with a computer problem over a remote session. Troubleshooting a problem and doing it from her PC so she could see what I’m looking at. We ended up clicking on a reddit link. She made a semi-paniced comment about how she was still signed in. My curiosity got the better of me, and I looked at her username afterwards.

On her username I saw a post from a month ago (about the time I talked to her about them splitting things after these years) which referred to him as her husband.

I know for a fact they aren’t married, so I’m concerned on why she would type out her post this way, and has damaged my trust.

I know I’m likely in the wrong for looking in the first place, I did that to myself, but I can’t help but feel a bit justified in doing so because of what I found.

I’ve not mentioned this to her at this moment. She has since deleted the original post.

Aita? Any advice?

  • sleen@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    Op I’m not an expert but it seems she doesn’t really care about the relationship that much. You should think about the whole relationship, and not worry about looking through her Reddit acc. She slipped up in this situation.

  • BarbecueCowboy@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    I know for a fact they aren’t married

    Do you really? Are you absolutely positive?

    The behavior is still maybe not okay, but the rest kind of falls into place if their arrangement is more formal. It’s weird to drive your ex-boyfriends car, it’s less weird to drive the car of the husband you’re currently separated from because it’s also kinda your car too.

    This is also kinda your best case scenario. It sounds like she’s either secretly married and feels bad about not telling you earlier or you’re just the side guy.

  • myliltoehurts@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    It’s not nice to snoop but it sounds like you have given her plenty of trust and she has only given you reason to be suspicious/jealous, so I don’t think you’re at fault - it’s also on Reddit publicly, not the same as reading her DMs. It doesn’t make it fine, but I think it makes it somewhat less intrusive.

    That being said, if you’ve been dating for almost 3 years and it’s not progressing despite you wanting it to and talking to her about it, I’d say it probably doesn’t matter if you slipped up or she did as it seems like things are dead in the water.

    My advice would be to try to move on and find someone who wants to progress things with you, rather than their ex.

    • StereoTrespasser@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I wouldn’t call reading public comments for a Reddit account “snooping.” Now, whether you believe OP’s story of how he “accidentally” found her username, that’s another story…

  • Hyperreality@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    Invasion of privacy. Not cool, even if reddit is a public forum, but shit happens, just don’t mention it.

    I often used to lie about small details on reddit, obfuscating for privacy reasons. This being said, it sounds like she’s not over her ex and not that into you.

    Relationships take work, and it sounds like you aren’t communicating enough with each other. Be honest that you’re worried. Something like “I love you a lot, so if you have doubts about this relationship or don’t feel you really love me as much as your ex, I want to know now so it hurts less.”

    • 520@kbin.social
      8 months ago

      How is it an invasion of privacy if the content in question isn’t private? Literally the only thing private is the link between the username and the person, which OP hasn’t done anything to violate.

      (I’m assuming OP only looked up the public info, not logging into D’s account)

      • Worx@lemmynsfw.com
        8 months ago

        That’s like saying “how is it an invasion of privacy to stalk someone? They were walking around on public streets the whole day!”. It’s more about consent and gut feeling IMO. She didn’t choose to share her Reddit name with OP and seemed not to want him to know.

        Not going to comment on anything else that’s happening here, just wanted to respond to that one point

  • eek2121@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Walk away, and no you aren’t an asshole.

    We only get so many years in this life and it isn’t worth it to deal with crap like that. I know, I have experience.

  • moshtradamus666@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    In my opinion you should let her go. It looks like you want more from that relationship than she is willing to give. No one deserves to be in a situation like that. I believe if you keep going you’ll hurt yourself more and more. You deserve a person that has more room and energy to spend in you as much as you have to spend in them.

  • peopleproblems@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Please read up on attachment styles.

    You are describing a very insecure relationship.

    You, most likely are somewhat anxious/ambivalent and she is likely avoidant to some degree.

    You will not be happy if you feel like you have to continue like this. You need to set boundaries, clearly defined. If she can’t work with them, that is a clue things need to change.

    There’s a very good book about this called Attached. Helped me begin to move on from my marriage.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Not the asshole. You shouldn’t worry about looking up someone’s reddit acct, it’s a public forum, it’s out there. The “husband” thing is whatever, maybe it suggests they see each as other as being married, even if not officially so, just a theory. Reading everything else you put here though would make me suspect that there’s more going on between them than what she lets on. That she deleted the post is interesting.

    However, since you’ve described your relationship as just casual dating, I’m not sure that she’s in the wrong in any way either. If you want it to develop into something more you should probably establish boundaries or at least communicate to her that’s what you want (if you haven’t already done so). It sucks to act like a jealous lover, but if you’re not comfortable having somebody else in the picture, people need to make choices about who they’re spending their time with. If she doesn’t want to take it further, then it’s just casual and you should probably accept that it may not ever develop past that or that you may not be a priority for her. If you want more, you’d likely need to start looking elsewhere.

  • Death_Equity@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Sounds like she has two boyfriends and your relationship isn’t going anywhere. You need to talk with her and have a make it or break it conversation about the two of you and her relationship with him.

  • Markimus@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    It feels like you’re avoiding talking about those big boulders, and the symptoms of that are spiralling out with you feeling the need to look at her Reddit in order to try and understand her and connect with her a bit better; not only that, she’s there having to go to Reddit to get relationship advice instead of you. There are some weird secrets going on like with the car switching.

    All of these symptoms could be resolved if you just talked to her.

    The reason you two are staying casual is, from my point of view, because you’re too afraid to talk about the big things. You are “not wanting to be caught in the middle of anything;” you’ve communicated that she can’t really talk to you about the things that are bothering her because it makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s not a good set-up for anything more than a casual relationship.

    From now on, in every interaction with her, you should be thinking, “What is the biggest boulder here?” That will then inform your decision on what you need to talk about. (It’s a little more nuanced than that, though this is the main thing.) I would say the biggest boulder right now is the Reddit thing; she knows you saw her Reddit, and with the deletion of that post I’m sure she feels you at least might snoop, though she doesn’t want to bring it up as she’s scared of having that conversation. I feel like you need to admit that you snooped there, admit that you should have asked her first, how that was a mistake, how and why it’s not something that will happen again, resolve that and then move on to the medium-sized boulders, and then the smaller boulders.

    The biggest boulder might not be the Reddit thing, though that’s for you to decide; make sure it actually is the biggest boulder.

    The medium-sized boulders are probably to do with what’s happening in her life with her ex-partner, those sorts of conversations; you need to clear the air there. If she finds out that she can talk to you about the big stuff, your whole relationship dynamic will change.

  • VubDapple@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I dont think you’re an asshole, but what happened does appear to be a privacy violation. She didn’t want you to read that post.

    That’s a problem, but probably not the big problem, which is that you appear to want a more committed and exclusive relationship than she wants. In this lop-sided relationship you long for more than you are getting and there is some sort of chronic pain that you’ve hoped would go away over time but it isn’t happening.

    If you want more from the relationship you need to make that clear to her. If she doesn’t want what you want, that’s a compatibility problem and you might need to face the possibility that you’d be better off looking elsewhere to get your intimacy needs addressed as she (in that case) would be holding you at a distance, possibly forever. Three years is more than enough time for intimacy to develop if it is going to develop.

    The big problem as I see it is that you have accepted less than you need for some reason that isn’t clear from your post. Your need isn’t weird; its an entirely natural within normal limits sort of need so you’re not asking for too much. She just appears to not have the same need for exclusivity and intimacy, or is getting her needs met from the other relationship which clearly never stopped happening.

    Why are you putting up with less than you want and need is the big question? Are you worried that you could not do better?