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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • myliltoehurts@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm helping I promise!
    4 days ago

    We trim our cats nails because when we don’t they keep getting stuck on things. They also just accept that being stuck is now their life without any complaint so sometimes it takes us hours to figure out one is now stuck to the sofa and just accepted it vs decided to sleep on the sofa.

  • I wonder if this will also have a reverse tail end effect.

    Company uses AI (with devs) to produce a large amount of code -> code is in prod for a few years with incremental changes -> dev roles rotate or get further reduced over time -> company now needs to modernize and change very large legacy codebase that nobody really understands well enough to even feed it Into the AI -> now hiring more devs than before to figure out how to manage a legacy codebase 5-10x the size of what the team could realistically handle.

    Writing greenfield code is relatively easy, maintaining it over years and keeping it up to date and well understood while twisting it for all new requirements - now that’s hard.

  • I think I misunderstood your problem, I assumed the issue was the volume mounts and after testing it I was indeed wrong - the docker cli now accepts relative paths so your original command does the same as what I suggested. After re-reading your issue I have a different idea of what’s wrong, but would have to see your dockerfile (or for you to confirm) to be sure.

    Do you add 10f.py to the docker image when you build it and do you specify the command/entrypoint in the Dockerfile? There are possibly to issues I can think of with how you do that (although considering the docker compose works it’s probably the 2nd):

    1. You do add it and you add it to /data in the image - when you mount a volume over it would make the script no longer exist in the container.
    2. You do add it and it’s not in /data - in this case the issue with running docker run -v ./:/data -w /workdir tenfigers_10f:v1 10f.py is the last bit - you override the command which makes it try to look for it at /data/10f.py, if you omit it the last part (10f.py) it should run whatever the original command was and assuming you set the cmd/entrypoint correctly in the Dockerfile it should see /data as ./ in python.

    (Also when you run it with the CLI you might want to add -it --rm as well to the docker command otherwise it won’t really behave similarly to a regular command)

  • It works in docker compose because compose handles relative paths for the volumes, the docker CLI doesn’t.

    You can achieve this by doing something like

    docker run -v $(pwd):/data ...

    pwd is a command that returns the current path as an absolute path, you can just run it by itself to see this. $() syntax is to execute the inner command separately before the shell runs the rest of it. (Same as backticks, just better practice)

    I imagine that wouldn’t work on windows, but it would on either osx, Linux or wsl.

    Generally speaking, if you need the file system access and your CLI requires some setup, I’d recommend either writing it in a statically compiled language (e.g. golang, rust) or researching how to compile a python script into an executable.

    If you’re just mounting your script in the container - you’re better off adding it directly at build time.

  • That could be part of the reason, but the NHS has rapidly deteriorated over the course of the last 5ish years. It used to be pretty decent not so long ago, and our taxes didn’t exactly drop. So while most public healthcare systems get strained over time due to the aging population problem, it shouldn’t be this drastic.

    The pandemic has surely strained it, but it doesn’t feel like it’s on the path to recovery, more like circling the drain.

    The 2 more obvious things (to me) as far as the reasons go: an absolutely malicious government - who would sell us all for meat if they could - with little competition and brexit (courtesy of said government)

  • Haven’t had any experience with eweka, but this is the reason why people tend to have multiple providers from different backbones and multiple indexers - to increase your chance for completion. Weirdly, eweka does not follow DMCA, but NTD which I’ve seen regarded as slower to take down content, so in theory the experience should be better, especially on fresh content.

    Your mileage will vary greatly depending on what indexers/providers you pick and unfortunately it’s very difficult to say whether it will reach your expectations until you try different options.

    If you’re willing to spend some more on it, you could try just looking for a small and cheap block account from a different backbone to see if it helps with the missing articles, but there are no guarantees.

  • Personally, I’ve had an experienced manager and took great inspiration from him.

    A few things I fell into:

    • it was a lot faster for me (I.e. experienced senior dev with context knowledge) to finish a task than for me to assign it to someone less experienced who has to learn the context and takes 5x as long to do it, with lots of help needed from me still. This yielded me not building up my team either in experience or knowledge.
    • I assumed deadlines I got told were set in stone and my job was to meet them. This made business-y people happy. It made everyone else (including me) miserable. I had to learn to say no and push back, it very much changes between companies but most of the time I found it to be a negotiation and either the deadline could move or I had to argue to exclude things from the scope to make the deadline reasonable.
    • on the above, everything takes at least 3-5x as long as I think it takes. If things finish early, great time to give my team some slack, add in additional QA work like extending tests or repay some tech debt. Delivering something early gives a pat on the back for us but no discernible benefit to the team.
    • every time someone said “you’ll have time to write tests/repay tech debt/upskill later once X is shipped” it never came true. Those things have to be built into delivery scopes, and it’s a constant battle - if you don’t do this, nobody else will.

    I’m sure there were other things too, but these are the ones I mainly recall. Talk to your team, ask for feedback. Every team, project and company are different - you’ll have to adapt.

  • It’s not nice to snoop but it sounds like you have given her plenty of trust and she has only given you reason to be suspicious/jealous, so I don’t think you’re at fault - it’s also on Reddit publicly, not the same as reading her DMs. It doesn’t make it fine, but I think it makes it somewhat less intrusive.

    That being said, if you’ve been dating for almost 3 years and it’s not progressing despite you wanting it to and talking to her about it, I’d say it probably doesn’t matter if you slipped up or she did as it seems like things are dead in the water.

    My advice would be to try to move on and find someone who wants to progress things with you, rather than their ex.