I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
And according to civilized society. Feel free to make a coherent argument as to why you get to be a callous bigot and everyone has to not respond in kind to you for you being a bigot.
I don’t recall ever saying people couldn’t get angry about it, it doesn’t bother me. What bothered me, was equating disliking trans to being a bigot or not caring about them, as being callous. Thats bullshit tactic only works on kids. That’s the part that seems to have confused you.
It’s also ironic, given that the original sub post would rather see old people just die if they can’t cope with current events. That sounds pretty intolerant to me, yet, I don’t see you blowing up his comment?
Did you just think I would be an easy target? Sorry to disappoint you. 😅
Oh I’m not disappointed, you are a pretty easy target. Taking a cheap shot about trans suicides and being indifferent about them and their suffering is callous. Look up the definition of callous. " As far as callous and bigoted, yup, sure am." You owned up to being a bigot. Acting like a bigot and admitting to it and then trying to pretend you are not is a bullshit tactic.
I said I was a bigot, I never said why. You ran with that because it fit your narrative.
Keep on with the good fight, social justice warrior, I’m sure someone will come along and pat you on the back for being an exception human being and for showing me the error of my ways.
If you believe that, I got some ocean front property in Florida to sell you. 🤣
I called you a bigot for the type of bigotry that you initially displayed. That you are a bigot in multiple ways isn’t terribly surprising. Do you really feel clever for having an additional secret bigotry? A bigot scoffing at me fighting the good fight is not the take down that you think it is. Did you look up callous yet?
Jesus, you’re more predictable than a clock.
That’s just deflecting because you have nothing of substance to offer in response. You are a bigot. You are callous. Those are not good traits. Decent people don’t have to tolerate people who embrace those traits and act on them publicly.
What’s the point? You’ll just twist it to fit your narrative. I can guarantee you you have traits that people aren’t very fond of either. But by all means, ride that soapbox to the finish line.