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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    The inherent traits of a species of berries is not comparable to the behavior of an entire demographic. If you treat all trans people as though they are unhinged or looking for the slightest excuse to be offended then that is as much bigoted behavior and stereotyping as treating all Mexicans as lazy or all black people as criminals or all Irish as angry drunks. People are not berries. Their treatment of you isn’t coming from the genetic level.

    You may have had some legit crazy fringe case experiences and the shock and hurt that you would feel from that would be very valid but if you turn immediately from that to “if I’m gonna be treated like a bigot then I’ll just be a bigot” then there are some worrisome seeds already planted. If things went as you described them then you had some unfair encounters but those handful of experiences are not close to enough to judge all trans people by. That’s hard to grapple with if there is still that emotional sting from those experiences. I do understand the reaction of “fine I’ll show you just much I can be the thing you wrongly accused me of being”. I’ve been guilty of that in other contexts. But it’s destructive and toxic. It makes the people treating you wrongly feel completely justified. It makes you act like a terrible person that you are not.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    Uh huh. Or you are trying to find ways to dance around and deflect from the points I made because they are right and you can’t refute them. John was kinda mean to bigots and that rustled your jimmies. Why are you so emotionally sensitive to the cause of treating bigots with kid gloves?

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    Hard to be terrible at it when I’m right though. You got mad that someone was mildly not nice to bigots. You said that using twitter for exactly what twitter was made for was some how out of line. You call mocking and standing up to bigots small minded. You can’t refute those points so to try to deflect with cheap rhetorical tricks or the baseless statement that I’m bad at analyzing your behavior. I get that when you’ve been told that people expect more or better from you that that felt pretty devastating but attempting to turn that around when you are feeling defensive doesn’t work.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    If the group is bigots, yes. Again what you are saying and your offense suddenly makes remarkable sense if we assume that you share their bigoted views or are sympathetic to their views.

    It’s not “oh just because you disagree” or “oh if it’s a group you don’t approve of” or any other derivation. Don’t strip out the context of what is being disagreed with. You got upset because someone was mildly not nice to bigots. That is what stirred you. That tells a lot about you

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    Bigots deserve to be shit on. That they think it is a challenge and a burden to just be decent to trans people is worthy of ridicule. You haven’t made a case for it being small minded. You haven’t made a case for it being egotistical. Don’t do that it’s just a disagreement framing. That’s a predictable tactic that is bs.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    What is small minded about speaking out against bigots? How is it egotistical to post to the world on a platform made to post to the world? You want to attribute those negative labels to John for some reason. Twitter was made for doing exactly what he did so that action isn’t what makes him egotistical in your mind. None of what you are saying makes sense… Unless we add the puzzle piece that you don’t want people advocating for treating trans people decently.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    “You can’t know if someone is a dipshit until after you interact with them, btw.” That you said that is kinda at odds with what you are saying now.

    If you are going to treat all members of a group as being the same as the worst members you have met then you are just choosing to be a bigot.

    The issue isn’t trans people as a whole. It’s also not even close to half of trans people. There is something unique about your situation.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    Uh-huh. You clearly have some emotional beef with either John or the topic. Since twitter is made for anyone to share their random thoughts there is nothing out of line or arrogant of him using the platform for it’s intended purpose. So we can either accept that you are not bright enough to know what twitter is or we can very reasonably assume that what’s really got you worked up is you don’t like people standing up for trans people…or you have that secret beef with John. You want to frame ridiculing bigots as “small minded”. That’s also telling about you. You do have an opinion on the topic. That’s what caught your eye and compelled you to make your nonsense comments.

  • magnusrufus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    5 months ago

    Yeah painting all trans people that way is nonsense. It gets pretty close to bigotry territory. I gotta wonder where you live or what kind of choices you are making to surround yourself with that many unhinged people. Where I’m at I’ve encountered zero trans people that act like you’ve described.

  • I think your post would greatly benefit from an introductory paragraph preparing readers for what to expect. As it is the title and current first paragraph don’t convey the gist of what your post is about or why anyone should care about or read it and given it’s length most people are not going to give it the time to try and put that info together on their own.