Wasn’t this the programmer who said linux is free if you don’t value your time?
Yeah I never agreed with that. My linux install goes on for years but if I try to use windows i’m always having to reinstall the os.
Right! If you are not fucking around with your root folder you can have pretty long live of a single installation.
I had to use windows several moths back. Everything was frustrating af
It’s steroids that are harmful, not the muscles themselves.
Reeeee but don’t you understand that Hitler had muscles and if you have muscles that makes you a literal Nazi reeeee!
wtf? I know science surrounding human biology isn’t great, but we know enough to disprove this old “same heart beat across all known species” yarn decades ago. Jogging isn’t going to do much for you unless you’re extremely out of shame but every few grams of muscle you add makes you literally harder to kill.
It also intimidates people even when you don’t mean to. It shouldn’t but someone visibly stronger than them scares timid people (leftists)
I thought we do approximately have the same number of heart beats in our life time. But when you jog or do a bunch of cardio your heart becomes more efficient so it beats less when sitting. Kinda evens out.
I looked more into that guy. Turns out he is a huge pussy
Bet he has one too
I disagree with this guy’s take but there is something to be said maybe about over-exercising as being harmful as much as underexercising, and idk where the sweet spot would be
The sweet spot is probably way above what most people are getting so don’t worry about over-exercising.
This is Why men are becoming pussies now
I’ve been building muscle since I was single digits. I’m not middle aged and look decades younger. Building muscle makes you look much younger. All exercise does.