Is he? Dwaynes floater looks bigger than Hasselhoff’s, because it’s slightly closer, while Dwayne is clearly smaller. If you’re going by what is publicly listed as their height in google, realize the rock has been lying about his height for quite some time
According to this article atleast, 193cm is his actual height. During WWE times he was claimed to be even taller than that. I didn’t get the impression here that it’s him whose been lying about it.
Is he? Dwaynes floater looks bigger than Hasselhoff’s, because it’s slightly closer, while Dwayne is clearly smaller. If you’re going by what is publicly listed as their height in google, realize the rock has been lying about his height for quite some time
According to this article atleast, 193cm is his actual height. During WWE times he was claimed to be even taller than that. I didn’t get the impression here that it’s him whose been lying about it.
TIL I’m 1 cm shorter than the rock.