• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Can confirm. One of my housemates gave another a laptop last month. She asked me to set it up for them, since it came with windows 11, and I have warned her about that virus. I really tried to install windows 10 on the thing, the chip set supports it, but I couldn’t get past a step that needed to connect to Microsoft during the installation and initial setup. There are two more tricks I could pull to get the thing running Win 10, which are install Windows 7 and upgrade from there, or pop out the HDD and put it in my working Win 10 machine, and continue the setup using that box, but both of those seem like work.

    I ended up slapping Mint on the thing, installed Firefox and Ublock Origin, and gave them the machine. Told them to ask me if they have any issues whatsoever, and they have been using it ever since. Apparently no issues, cause I have asked, and they said nothing they needed help with.

  • No one will argue that the US hasn’t been committing terrorist acts and war crimes since before its inception. We literally started a revolution to form the country. Our founding fathers grew hemp and marijuana, and they wrote about sorting seeds for potency, they also were gun runners.

    You really don’t want the US to collapse under a fascist government. We’re headed for a collapse either way, but the boot only comes off if the fascists aren’t in charge of the most expensive and capable military in the world. We actually maintain our nukes, and I don’t want someone that has already tried to use them getting his hands on those again. If we fall to fascists they will strike out and start WWIII. They don’t care about fallout of any kind, political or nuclear.

  • Dude. I’m set to retire before I’m 50, and I’m 43, also a veteran. I’m retiring in San Diego, the most unliveable city in the US. Paying taxes is the second most patriotic thing that a citizen can do. The fact that you view them as theft is a you problem. They are the dues that you owe society for treating you so well.

    The four most patriotic things one can do are as follows in this order:

    1. Vote.

    2. Pay your damn taxes.

    3. Serve in local office, and maybe higher.

    4. Serve in the military.

    The reason that the military is so low is that most people aren’t a good fit for the military. We need thinking soldiers that will refuse an unlawful order, not mindless automatons that parrot every hateful lie they can.