ive been unable to sign into my account until now. i love loli and shota content and i dont mind content featuring adult characters but its really hard to find lewd material that just features Loli and Shota together and thats why i made this place. post that include loli and shota are fine. it doesnt have to be straight aswell shota x shota and yuri loli content is a plus thanks :p also other communitys are more suited for loli and shota content in general lets have a disscussion about it :)

  • Mousepad@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    The story continues. The great shota/loli community gap widens and the maw envelops us all! Who will win the burggit civil war???

  • Zuto@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Welcome back!

    Let me share the story so far of the community so that we are at the same page…

    • You created the community, and named it “Loli x Shota”. The rules were set to not allow AI content, and to allow loli, shotas, or both. According to what was left in the sidebar, the community was created as a rival of Lewd Loli, since they didn’t allow oppai loli.

    • Some people argued that AI content should be allowed, since they would be posting if it was, but others suggested to wait until people started posting instead to see if the community was self-sustainable without it.

    • People started posting in the community. Since the rules were not explicit on what was exactly expected, I started tagging my posts since at least people would be able to filter the ones they didn’t like. The tags were not enforced, but other posters tried to do the same.

    • Some person created a post complaining that he had tried to contact you, but didn’t get any reply, so he wanted to be named the new mod of the abandoned community since he thought that since the community was named “Loli x Shota” it should ONLY have imagery with both loli AND shota. They also pretty much claimed that only they had been posting the right things, and that everybody else was just spamming with wrong content. After we didn’t agree with him he left and created his own community.

    • Since it became obvious that the community was abandoned at this point, Disa asked me if I was interested in moderating, since I had been quite active in here, to which I accepted. After the incident with the other poster, I actually was going to create a poll to see if we should all move on back to Lewd loli and Shota or see if people was interested in having yet another community, but looks like that wasn’t necessary after all.

    • After being apointed a mod I renamed the community to “Lolis and Shotas” as to avoid issues with people thinking that we only allowed loli x shota, and added the tagging rule some of us had been doing unofficially, along with the reasoning for it. Also changed some of the images as to mark the community as a “different” one somehow.

    …And that’s pretty much it!

    With that said, the reason for the rules was to follow what I understood the rules you left were, along with some other rules I understood were reasonable to foster a healthy community (Like no obvious rape, no bestiality, etc…). I made a post to explain things more in detail here, since I understand that a change of rules can feel like a step down for some people when there is no explanation as of why some things changed.

    As for yaoi, I don’t see a problem allowing it again (The reasoning as of why I set that rule is in the explanation post, but the main reason is that there were already communities for it which didn’t have any other limitation and that I personally didn’t wan’t to have to moderate it) as far as you can moderate those posts, since I use a script to filter them out. I also don’t know what the community thinks about it, since so far we’ve been only posting straight and yuri, so some feedback from the people would be good.

    Lastly, since there is now the community Actual LolixShota, there is pretty much an alternative community for almost anything we have here:

    • Actual LolixShota -> ONLY loli x shota
    • Shota -> Any shota content, but has since been mostly filled with yaoi shota, since I guess people looking for straight shota doesn’t want to see yaoi, or all of them have moved to the Straight shota one.
    • Straight shota -> Straight shota content of any kind.
    • Lewd loli -> Any loli content, except oppai loli, which was our selling point?
    • Cub -> Any shota or loli furry content.
    • Shotacub -> Any furry shota content, but once again it was mostly filled with yaoi for similar reasons than Shota I assume, except the only they could move to was Cub.

    So the only thing we have that they don’t have is… oppai loli and tagging, as to avoid people from seeing things they don’t like.

    The way I see it we could act as a “central” community for all things loli or shota, enforcing tags as to allow people to only see the content they actually want (which is pretty much what I was aiming for at least!). Kind of like a generic “Hentai” community just for loli and shota.

    For example, some people might want to post oppai loli but they won’t be able in Lewd Loli, so they could post it here. Some others might want to see shotas, but they might not want to see AdultxShota, so they could just search for just shota content here searching for S/L or L/S in the community search.

    Apart from that I don’t think there is anything that we have that other communities don’t offer already. In fact I crossposted some content to other communities since we cover the same things.

    • MelloNecko@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      thank you things seem pretty good around here so no issue as long as everyone can find and enjoy what they want to see

      • Zuto@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        Alright, then… We’ll leave things as they are.

        For yaoi shota people can still go to Shota and Shotacub so I guess that works out.

        There is no loli yuri community as of now, but I don’t mind moderating those posts either way, so they will still be allowed as they were before. If one arises in the future we can link it in the sidebar.

        For future rule changes in the community I’d expect people to refer to the rules explanation post and comment their issues there, that way we can organize polls about them.

        The only rule that we shouldn’t consider changing would be the tagging (for filtering, etc), but anything else could be discussed if the need arises.

        In any case, happy to have the original creator back!

  • Disa@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Hello, I have given you a moderator role in this community. Simply cause more moderators are better, please note that this is now @Zuto’s community now, so please comply with their rules/regulations.

    If either [@Zuto}(https://burggit.moe/u/Zuto) or @StarryJoy would rather StarryJoy not be mod, I think as the head mod, Zuto should be abler to reverse it. (Ofrcourse you can always contact me and I will fix it too.)

    I mainly did this because the rules which seemed to have been enforced then and the ones which are put in place and enforced now make it kinda perfect.