ive been unable to sign into my account until now. i love loli and shota content and i dont mind content featuring adult characters but its really hard to find lewd material that just features Loli and Shota together and thats why i made this place. post that include loli and shota are fine. it doesnt have to be straight aswell shota x shota and yuri loli content is a plus thanks :p also other communitys are more suited for loli and shota content in general lets have a disscussion about it :)

  • Zuto@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Alright, then… We’ll leave things as they are.

    For yaoi shota people can still go to Shota and Shotacub so I guess that works out.

    There is no loli yuri community as of now, but I don’t mind moderating those posts either way, so they will still be allowed as they were before. If one arises in the future we can link it in the sidebar.

    For future rule changes in the community I’d expect people to refer to the rules explanation post and comment their issues there, that way we can organize polls about them.

    The only rule that we shouldn’t consider changing would be the tagging (for filtering, etc), but anything else could be discussed if the need arises.

    In any case, happy to have the original creator back!