• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • You parrot the same meaningless talking points every single thread that is both popular and a clear cut case to hold someone accountable for something.

    You ramble about insane bullshit that has nothing to do with OP because you are here on some rape apologia anti-justice agenda.

    You are angry at me trying to get something out of me when you don’t even have to.

    Why? Because the mods are just as sexist and in support of rape apologia as you are. They’ve been deleting every comment at the top of the thread that uses the terms “rape apologia” or “rape apologist” while leaving up stuff that should also be banned under civility rules but supports their side. You could just go talk to a mod and have me banned, like you always do whenever I tell you you’re doing something wrong. So why be upset I won’t play your horrific game?

    Go cry to them about how rapists don’t deserve to suffer consequences for their actions. Go cry to them how everyone else has to bear the burden and the threat of their presence because you think a rapist’s right to rape is more important than the human rights of other people. Go cry to them: they’ll agree with you. They’ve already shown they have.

    Go. Go repeat your talking points to them. Go now. On your bike.

  • They’re rape apologists. Everything they’ve been doing is part of a framework of Motte and Baileys they have constructed to justify and defend rape, and rapists.

    Notice they’re talking about the nature of trauma in life when this is actually a thread about OP dealing with a known sexual predator at work? How they have been talking about redemption, punishment, and the death penalty when NONE of those things are even tangentially related to OP? That is purposeful and intentional.

    They derail threads like this, where there are clear-cut cases to hold someone accountable, because they oppose accountability on a moral level.

    They do it because they’re rape apologists.

  • You’re not getting your way, that’s why you keep talking. Every response you give has been nothing except the ignorant, petty, immature ramblings I’ve come to expect out of Lemmy. Saying and doing anything to try to win a confrontation instead of sitting down and thinking about what you and your opponent is saying, and that’s why I say this is why Lemmy is a perfect sample of America and why therefore America needs to crash and burn.

    And you do. And you likely will at the end of the year, and it’ll be sad, so sad, but you have brought every single ounce of the consequences you’ve been building up onto yourselves.

    It never occurs to you that your behavior is alienating people away from Democrats and convincing people to vote third party in this next election either, but you don’t actually give a shit about the future of your country so of course you wouldn’t. 🤷

    Not my problem. It’s all on you.