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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I totally understand that (and Im sorry for your loss). But that objectively helps the guy who would not care at all (as opposed to at least trying to put a little bit of pressure) and actually encourage them to go for an even more radical “final solution”. Voting is always picking the least evil. The US system simply does not allow you a serious choice - it would be better to direct your anger against that system, instead of against the least evil of the real options.

  • The danger of nuclear isn’t so much on the daily stats of what actually went wrong, but in the tiny risk of having huge problems. The worst case scenario for a Chernobyl style disaster is actually losing huge parts of Europe. Even in well run plants, if enough things go wrong at the same time, it could still mean losing the nearest city. These “black swan” events are hard for humans to think clearly about, as we are not used to working with incredibly small chances (like deciding to plan for a 1000 year storm or not).

  • While we should absolutely use our backyards to make some space for nature, there’s going on more than this. Even in nature reserves, insect counts seem to be going down. Last I heard, it’s still not entirely clear what’s going on, but probably related to certain types of pesticides.