• 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • However the alternate take is that it seems to be being enforced well:

    A spokesperson for the agency said: “As regulator for forestry in Scotland, we have carried out an inspection last year to the Lost Forest project on the Kinrara Estate. Our inspectors found pockets of high mortality of trees that were planted and we believe the most likely cause of this was the very dry conditions last spring when the trees were put in the ground. “The public funds allocated to the woodland creation project are fully protected. We will expect the applicant [Lost Forest] to make good through replacement planting at their own cost to ensure that the agreed amount of woodland creation, and at the correct tree density, takes place. If we found that this was not the case, then we can reclaim the grant.” BrewDog said it has since replanted 50,000 of the baby trees that did not survive the winter.