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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • brandon@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldMy first attempt at ahi katsu!
    5 months ago

    Vast majority of fish and other seafood is flash frozen on the boat, as it’s a significant food safety issue to do otherwise. What you typically buy as “fresh” fish has been thawed in store.

    Only real way to get real fresh, never frozen, fish is to catch it yourself, or know someone who does, or see it actually alive in a tank (in which case flavor majorly suffers due to stress of the animal).

  • Fox kept getting into a loop of making films in order to maintain the rights, which invariable get rushed and subsequently bomb. No one wants to be associated with the pre-existing trash and so, they need to do a reboot and start fresh. The rights became far more valuable than the films over time, as Marvel went from near bankruptcy (who sold rights for basically nothing) to a multibillion dollar brand. Eventually Fantastic Four, along with x-men, basically just became a bargaining chip to extract as much money as possibly when they were eventual bought out by Disney.

    Now the rights are in Marvel/Disney’s hands, it shouldn’t need to go through this ever looping cycle of trash every few years.

  • Linux works well if you need something to function as a tool, be it a NAS, network appliance, server, etc. You can setup it up with the small subset of things you need it to do and trust it’ll just run without further interference.

    When it comes to a consumer device, it fails the “just works” criteria much harder the OSX or Windows. Software tends to be maintained by an army of unpaid volunteers passionate about their specific use case with a lot of infighting around how things get done. Such functionality is often developed by people with such a warped idea of usability that they consider VIM to be the ideal, modern, text editor. This is a piece of software that started life in the mainframe days, where input lag was measured in seconds rather the milliseconds, in order to minimize number of keystrokes, no matter how convoluted. This leads to multitudes of forks of functionality with subtly differing functionality often with terrible UI and UX catered to the developer’s specific workflow.

    Whenever a lay persons asks how to get started with Linux, they get sent down a rabbit hole of dozens of distros, majority of which are just some variant of Ubuntu, with no clear indication of what’s different as they all just describe themselves as the ultimate beginner distro. With the paralysis of choice, they can pick one at random and hope it’ll work with their hardware without issue, spend hours figuring out the nitty-gritty differences and compatibility issues, or just give up and keep using what they already know.

  • Vinyl does have significant limitations in what sound it can produce, especially in terms of dynamic range. Wikipedia has a good breakdown of analog vs digital recording.

    While digital is not perfect, it’s generally better in every regard that humans can physically perceive. That said, people will always romanticize physical things of the past, be it confirmation bias, survivorship bias of good examples, or just enjoying the ritual of physical interacting with a thing.

  • Brooke Chase, Thea’s mother, said she had an instinct to check on her daughter who had been playing in the yard, and learned the toddler’s uncle told Thea to go inside because she had no shoes on.

    When Chase and her brother-in-law realized Thea wasn’t in the house, she said she began to yell. They searched for about 20 minutes before calling Chase’s husband and police.

    I’m curious what her mother and uncle were doing while her dad is away and she was playing alone in the yard. Where I live, kids that age have been attacked by coyotes, even when supervised, and that’s in a suburb of a major city, not rural Michigan.