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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Now SHOULD be different because we can talk. We can organize easier than ever.

    And yet we are in the middle of a loneliness epidemic wherein people live highly atomized lives without a physical community. Which benefits the ruling class as it ensure that the working class does not organize - Which makes the recent unionization movements all the more impressive

    We don’t have leaders, not really, and to truly stand together we need people who have the leadership and bold desire to pull us together

    The intelligence agencies identify and eliminate such figures before they can arise if they actually represent a challenge to our current order. And have done so since the Counterintelligence Program that permitted the deaths of Malcolm X, MLK, etc. For a more recent example, check out how many of the Ferguson riots leaders are no longer alive. “Cancelling” (aka, reputational assassination) is also a tactic that is easily used, as well as Lawfare (Law+warfare) through the legal system, wherein targets are charged with insignificant or unrelated crimes to ensure they do not challenge the regime. Such as Eugene Debs.

    Clearly something needs to be done and we should not ever lose hope. But we should also be very clear-eyed regarding the scope and scale of this challenge. The oligarchs will only share power if they are required to. Which was true under the monarchy, and is true now.

  • I really don’t understand this site’s/reddit’s fear of alcohol. Moderate drinking is not a problem. And it does assist with socializing, which seems like it would be beneficial for most people on here.

    The idea that people here are afraid of/resistant to drinking, yet will use cannabis and other materials seems very strange. Just go to the bar and meet some people - it’s fun and it won’t hurt you. Alcoholism is obviously an issue, but alcoholism isn’t caused by moderate drinking. Just don’t be an idiot and you don’t have anything to worry about