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  • 221 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • The joys of being a 2E student.

    Gifted, with undiagnosed ADHD.

    Flew in to university without ever learning how to organise my time. Smashed every exam university put in front of me. Failed every form of written assessment that required time management and planning, instead of just knowing the answers. Even after they put me on academic probation and I understood how serious it was, I couldn’t fix it, because I didn’t know I had ADHD at the time, and had never learned the organisational skills required, because I’d never needed them to succeed academically before.

  • Tell your doctor that you need more than a cis doctors opinion/perspective, because his view, however well meaning, is an outsiders view, that comes from short snapshot interactions. Tell him you need the chance to speak to people who have used this surgeon and have a real conversation with people who have been there. Ask him if he can put you in touch with people who have used his recommended surgeon, who you can have real conversations with?

  • Honestly, I wouldn’t be trusting a cis doctor for advice on FFS, whoever they are, and whatever they say.

    If you can, I would try and find trans people who have used the doctors in question and can talk to you about their experiences, not just during the process, but in the 12 months afterwards as well. You need to make sure that they are happy with the results, that you like the look of their results, and that the surgeon is on the same page as you in terms of your goals.

    That was how I ended up choosing my FFS surgeon. I ended up meeting two people in my city who had used him, and their experiences convinced me to go to the same doctor.