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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • my sister has a dog chiropractor. she takes her dog two every other month for $50.

    dog was having issues with certain sitting positions and randomly yelping in pain. vet didn’t do anything, but the chiropractor does something and the dog no longer has pain and isn’t yelping anymore.

    it’s bullshit, but it’s bullshit that works for some people. just like lonely depressed people stop being so once they find god or some other ‘purpose’ in their lives. and it doesn’t work for others.

  • amen. i had a relationship i ended 6 years ago because of lying. she stalked me for months afterward while she was already engaged to another guy… it was incredibly f’ed up and i feel awful for that poor dude. i ended up having to delete all my socials before she finally gave up.

    I am super glad I didn’t marry her. despite her wanting to marry me. I knew something was ‘off’.

  • pro NFL people tell little kids they can be pro NFL players too. They are lying. most pro players are genetically elite. you can’t ‘learn’ to play football at an NFL level unless you the genetics. just go to any kids sports game and every dipshit dad will tell you how his son is gonna be a pro one day.

    reality is most of us are VERY limited in what we can and can’t do and very people operate beyond a surface level and can self-actualize in any meaningful way. hence why so many dudes i ride bikes with hire pro coaches to keep them in shape… they can’t do it themselves. I can… but I am a statistical anomaly.

    generalizing from your own experience and abilities is always a fools errand. what is theoretically possible and what is practical possible are two very different things.

  • it is and it isn’t.

    it works for some things for some people, but it has no consistent or replicable results across things and patients, so it isn’t scientific.

    it’s more like mental health therapy. therapy works for some folks in some circumstances with certain therapists… but again it isn’t explicable. there is no general set of emotional therapeutic principles that will work for everyone.

    and for many folks this type of stuff is a placebo effect. we all know someone who goes to therapy… but it never fixes their problems… but it convinces them that they are ‘fixing it’. just like person you know who went gluten free who ‘no longer gets headaches’.

    compare that to drug where the entire point of a drugs/medical procedures where the entire point is reproducibility. a certain drug is supposed to cure a certain problem for all folks that have that problem.

    I experienced an injury and literally couldn’t walk for 3 months. Three doctors kept ignoring my pain and thought I was exaggerating. They kept treating me like a drug-seeker and I couldn’t afford more visits due to be uninsured & now unable to work. They also would not refer me to a physio/physical therapist without more appointments and several expensive tests.