• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • THED4NIEL@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI LOVE MANUAL TRANSMISSION
    11 months ago

    Nah, dude/dudette, I’m done churning butter. If you have to change gear every two seconds because the bellend infront of you couldn’t navigate a straight road it just gets annoying.

    Also handbrake start at a hill is for amateurs who don’t know their transmission (⌐■_■) yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  • Lmao did you really just “welllll ackshually 🤓” someone

    Well, actually it’s one of my dirty hobbies, though normally on other topics that are more fun

    You go ahead keep telling yourself “master race” isn’t associated with Nazis dude

    Please refer to my other answer for clarification https://lemmy.world/comment/2710158

    Of course I accept when some people think, that some words can not be reclaimed (some of them can’t), but I hope those people can accept, that other people don’t necessarily share that view without them inherently being Nazis.

    I don’t mean “master race” is reclaimable in normal lingo, it is a shitty concept in itself, but the way the term PCMR was originally intended (as a sarcastic poke at the superiority complex of PC gamers) is acceptable use in my opinion, because it goes against the original meaning of a superior race and makes fun of it.

    Not meaning you especially, but in general I think completely ignoring context is a bad way to lay fundament to your argumentation and it doesn’t help when some people automatically pull the Nazi accusations out of nowhere (exaggerated example: “you eat meat? You are just as bad as the Nazis, they also took many lives”) like it happens on social media every day. The only thing that gets accomplished with this kind of argument is inciting a trench war between these people and removing any chance of finding a common denominator or another solution that could satisfy both sides.

    I don’t think all PCMR members are Nazis or right-wing ideologists by the name PCMR alone and I hope the vast majority doesn’t take that supposed superiority seriously, which would be sad indeed.

  • I agree with you. My point was, that Nazis adopted many concepts that were crappy before (like race theory) or took existing things and twisted them for their malicious purposes. I didn’t deny the association, but context matters in my opinion.

    Look at South Park for example, like the “pyjama day” episode. They make fun of Nazi ideology all the time, sometimes subtle, sometimes very obvious. You can’t just watch the episode, see a reference to Nazism (the uniform, the lingo, etc.) and inherently call them Nazis for using it, when they clearly use it to make fun of it.

    I personally see the term PCMR the way the original inventor of the phrase intended: as a way to make fun of the superiority complex that PC gamers often develop.

    In Germany we have a term for someone getting a preferred treatment “Sonderbehandlung”. It was used by the Nazis as a euphemism for mass murder. Today the term only means that someone, for example at work gets a raise despite not contributing to the project as much as all other people did or someone getting a rebate on something, just because he knows the cashier. The term is common in normal German lingo and no one uses it as a way to tell that someone should be eliminated.

    I understand people from outside the German culture might get upset about the usage of those words, but in my experience most of them didn’t really take into account in which context they are used today. If I ask a hundred people on the street today, where Sonderbehandlung came from, my guess is almost no one knows their previous ties anymore, which I see as yet another thing we took away from the influence of Nazis.

    If people blindly want to ban everything that had at one time in history contact with Nazi ideology, you’ll be surprised what you can’t do anymore: drive cars, nuclear power, use thermos flasks, anti-ship missiles, radar, engines in general and many things more. Should we really give that much power to those assholes to hold our technology, culture and language hostage? Don’t get me wrong, I condemn right-wing theories and ideologies, as well as extremism and I don’t want to give Nazis any leeway either.

    I sometimes get the feeling people just read a Vice article headline and march on to the internet to start an ideological war against whatever the article mentioned, without really investing time to check the context, if it has eventually been reclaimed and so on. Also every argument seems to start the same way: “GUESS YOU ARE A NAZI THEN!!!111!1”. Not a good way to start a discourse.

    I hope I could bring my viewpoint across in a matter that it is understandable and not too erratic 😅

  • Fun fact:

    The term “master race” stands for a concept, thought of before Nazis were a thing in the 18th century by french nobility:

    Early attempts to claim a racial division between “masters” and “slaves”, or the belief that a nation’s ruling class is biologically superior to its ruled subjects, were made in the 18th century. Henri de Boulainvilliers in his book History of the Ancient Government of France (published posthumously in 1727) tried to prove that in France, the nobility represented the descendants of the old Frankish ruling class, whereas the rest of the population was descended from the subject Gauls.

    Same shit, different people, but I guess French people are Nazis now, too /s

  • THED4NIEL@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich💪iel
    11 months ago

    Habe nach der Ausbildung mir direkt ein anderes Tätigkeitsfeld gesucht und dort sehr viele nette Mitarbeiter (auch ein paar weniger nette, aber so ist das halt) gehabt.

    Hat auf jeden Fall zu meiner Rehabilitation beigetragen, obwohl es Jahre gedauert hat, bis ich beim Anblick des Transporters der alten Firma nicht mehr das Gefühl bekommen habe, als hätte ich kochendes Wasser verschluckt.

    Haben in de Zeit sehr viel Blödsinn getrieben, auch die Chefs haben das toleriert, insgesamt war der Umgang dort super, was mir ein bisschen den Glauben an vernünftige Leute zurückgebracht hat.

    Auswirkungen auf die Persönlichkeit (Zyniker, Beziehungsunfähig, Empathieverlust) hat es aber bis heute, aber mittlerweile komme ich mit Depressionsschüben gut klar (Videospiele, z.B.). Suizidgedanken sind seit der zweiten Ausbildung auch nicht mehr aufgekommen, daher verbuche ich das mal als Gewinn 😅

    Ich werde definitiv bis ins hohe Alter mit meinem Rückenproblemen kämpfen müssen, aber da lässt sich auch nicht mehr viel machen, wo der Schaden bereits angerichtet ist.

  • THED4NIEL@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich💪iel
    11 months ago

    Meine Lösung war: Chinasuppen rund um die Uhr, mehr konnte ich mir kaum leisten 😅

    Der Rest ging für Auto (59€/Mit Kredit), Sprit und Miete drauf. Zuschüsse hat man mir beim Amt komplett verwehrt. Jedes Videospiel habe ich mit Fasten reingeholt. Geld für Kino, etc. waren auch nie drin.

    Bei meiner zweiten Ausbildung, die mich in den aktuellen Job gebracht hat (KFZ-Mechatroniker -> technischer Redakteur -> Consultant) habe ich halbwegs genug verdient zum Leben (aber 4. Lehrjahr auch nur 950€). Aber immerhin war die Lebensqualität und die Arbeitsatmosphäre zuträglich zu meiner geistigen Verfassung.

    Bei der heutigen Inflation bleibt aber auch bei deinem Verdienst wohl kaum was übrig 😅

    Handwerk ist halt zum größten Teil Ausbeutung, daher wundert es mich nicht, dass denen seit über 10 Jahren trotz Werbekampagnen der HWK noch so viele Leute fehlen