• 11 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2024


  • I think the “reason” is that if pockets are available, the pant wearer will put stuff in the pockets. This adds “unsightly” bulk to the pants instead of following the natural body shape which looks “undesirable” and doesn’t influence other people to want to buy that brand and type of pants.

    This is the best reason could come up with and it’s a fucking stupid and infuriating reason. It’s time to become ungovernable. Learn how to mod the pockets back into pants. It can’t be that hard to figure out but it’s still royal bullshit that this is what it’s come to considering how much clothes cost.

    Does anyone buy women’s pants, mod pockets back into them and resell them on ebay? Or do corporations send their lawyers after people that try to do that? The idea of illegal pant dealers is dystopian as fuck.

  • Starfield is actually a good game.

    Starfield has excellent gunplay. Difficulty levels get unbalanced in late game without mods. If you enjoy feeling like a superhero cool, otherwise download a simple mod to rebalance things. It has weapon customization too. The only other space game that has weapon and spacesuit customization that I know of is No Man’s Sky. No Man’s Sky’s ship combat is half decent, it’s ground combat isn’t for me. There’s like 1 “gun” in the entire game and there’s not enough diversity in what little ground combat there is. I want to have to infiltrate a station full of bad guys not shoot at an occasional angry girrafe or flying drone.

    Elite Dangerous has excellent ship combat but that is it’s only strength. It’s a compete grindfest, they regularly patch every new way of making fast money, and I cannot fucking stand it. Maybe the lower playerbase has forced them to be more generous recently but I’m not booting up the game to find out. Starfield’s ship combat is basically the same, maybe a little better balanced, or at least balanced in a way that’s more enjoyable.

    The rpg elements of Starfield are actually enjoyable except for a few dumb quests. Starfield is the only Bethesda game I’ve completed the main quest in and I thought the multiple universe thing was executed well. Starfield’s ship customization is superior even despite the No Man’s Sky ship customization update. I think they missed the mark on the different part classes (why is a large reactor 3x as large as a small reactor the same amount of power for example) but that’s easily fixable with mods.

    Tldr all games of this genre have problems but at least most of my issues with Starfield can be fixed with mods. I just hope theu continue updating Starfield despite the internet constant rage. I’m glad we got Starfield instead of Elder Scrolls 6 and I’m not sorry.