I have a bone that’s rotated 180 degrees on the y axis from where it’s supposed to be. I wish I could simply press a button to unlock the axis, rotate the axis 180 degrees without physically rotating the bone and be done with it.

Unfortunately, I’m trying to figure this out and the only results are people talking about going into edit mode, selecting all the vertices and then rotating them. That’s great and all BUT I’M TRYING TO ROTATE A BONE not a mesh. Bones don’t have vertices so this won’t work. I really really really don’t want to delete the bone, make a new one and re-weight it, so how tf do I do this? I used autodesk 3ds max in like 2007 and the button to do this was front and center and one of the few things I actually knew how to do.

  • Hadriscus@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    Hi, if you’re trying to change the rest position of a bone, you need to be in edit mode. Then if I understand correctly you want to rotate it along its longitudinal (Y) axis? That’s controlled through the bone roll property, accessible in the sidebar (N). Just click the “roll” value field then add “+180” and enter.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    I wish I could simply press a button to unlock the axis, rotate the axis 180 degrees without physically rotating the bone and be done with it.

    There is.

    I’m not sure what the hotkey is since I rarely use the feature. But in your tool widget (top right of your canvas) there’s the option in there to effect only the origin, only the parent, etc… etc…

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Try selecting it and then press Control+period. This should let you move and rotate the origin in the usual ways. Then press Ctrl+period again to get out of that mode. I hope I understood what you needed and this helps you.