• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My bad directing towards whistleblowers when you meant journos. And only about them encouraging others to break the law. Even talking about journalists though I think the same logic can apply. If one lives in for example, an authoritarian regime, any word spoken against the state is considered unlawful. If we apply the situation to less authoritarian government, that still have laws against disseminating information about the government, we run up against the same issues. It’s against the law to show your government doing wrong. So what recourse is left but to break the law in hopes that you can effect some change?

    How is a journalist or a whistleblower to call out the worst without breaking the laws or discussing the same? I get that they can sometimes, your two examples, though I’m not familiar with the instances, I’m sure are great examples of when it all goes right. But some information that should be made known, will see the government pursuing the full extent of the law and potentially beyond, against individuals involved in its dissemination. Journalist, whistleblower, exfiltrator, won’t matter.

    I can understand protecting innocent people by censoring what comes out. I think that Assange is a scumbag and don’t like how he operates, but I also think governments need to be held accountable for their actions and choices.

  • Do you realistically see any possibility of the green party gaining enough traction by November to actually be a competitive option and defeat both alternative parties? Do you think it can go from 0.26% of the popular vote and 0% of the electoral college vote to obtaining a majority of 51%?

    I applaud the commitment to a an ideal. But the ideal won’t stop a fascist regime in the form of Trump from setting in. We who complain about voting for Biden can see that Biden isn’t a good option. But he is the best chance of not getting Trump. So he begrudgingly gets a vote. I would love to live in a country that can have viable 3rd party options. But currently we aren’t there. And there is too much that will have to change to make it possible to realistically be a voting option. Every journey starts with a single step and all but until we get things passed like ranked choice voting, the green party will never see a national victory.

  • If we had ranked choice voting across the board I might actually vote for her or another. But seeing as we only have two practical options, that’s not realistic to vote for her if we expect it to fend off the worse of two voting options. In other words, voting for her doesn’t help avoid Trump. It in fact draws votes away from the Biden option since she’s a green option which wouldn’t realistically draw any votes from the right.