Wartime authority? I’m sure he won’t use that as an excuse to invade anyone as a bonus.
Wartime authority? I’m sure he won’t use that as an excuse to invade anyone as a bonus.
The YT comments are a horrific display of what full blown propaganda does to people. Some of them believe he commited a crime… but he wasn’t even charged with anything yet and no verdict has come out of this either, so he wasn’t convicted of a crime… The brainwashed live in a parallel reality. It’s insane.
Contraceptives are next, then the right to reproductive surgeries and then the right to vote, according to Project 2025. Hopefully Texan women realise that when a group removes a right from you, they are never satisfied with only taking one away.
Poor Musk
I was just banned from Reddit for promoting Lemmy and upvoting anti-Trump comments. No joke 😂 It finally happened
Gotta love how the mods locked that post 😂 Reddit is such a cesspool
WWIII ofc, it’s inevitable if NATO falls. Who knows how it will play out, but it will play out if that comes to pass.
Most dictators do, unfortunately. It takes several attempts and many courageous people willing to sacrifice to get there and sometimes that doesn’t even stop the dictatorship, as the dictator has a successor lined up.
He also is famous for loving to post 14 flags under his posts. 14 is a white supremacist number called 14 words. He’s 100% a Nazi and he does not hide it one bit.
Sounds good to me. I already watch some people talk about their rubix cube collections for hours. This should do it.
Username checks out.
Dang, now I feel like listening to ASMR of a nerd collecting calculators to fall asleep.
There were many attempts by the English to make the Québécois renounce French AND Catholicism and those who refused publicly to pledge loyalty to the crown in the past were hung for treason, they were even forcing many to change their family names to English names (my father’s family had their name forcibly changed, it’s in the archives).
The genocide attempts were never publicly aknowledged by Canada and are only taught in history class in Québec. Hell, even Le Grand Dérangement (the deportation and genocide of Acadiens, which is better known than the attempts in Québec) was never aknowledged as a genocide by Canada (which is fucking stupid if you know anything about Canadian history). Even better fact for you: the native genocides weren’t recognized until recently either. Canada has a terrible track record of recognizing genocides.
Edit: All I can find in English is a few references to Le Grand Dérangement and I barely find anything in French on my search engine. I refuse to use Google to search at all, so you can feel free to contact French Canadian historians at McGill or something if you doubt what the English did to my people.
Here is a well known report that proves the English were actively considering my people as inferior and needing to assimilate to be eradicated, since they literally considered us a different “race” of people (this is in English for you):
It doesn’t explain how they enacted this, but you best believe they enacted it in the worst ways possible.
Yeah, because French Canadians being genocided and force assimilated didn’t count, apparently.
For those who didn’t know, yes genocide was attempted and yes force assimilation was attempted. Many died. We survived in the end, but a lot of blood was shed. I don’t really expect Americans to know this. Some barely know Canada has a French speaking population.
It’s because millionaires can leave easily at any time, so they don’t care.
People who don’t understand what Ukraine is doing are priviledged and their culture has never had to fight an oppressor or they won long ago and their people simply forgot what it was like to fight to survive.
My people were invaded, genocided and attempts were made to assimilate us after genocide attempts failed. Our patriots fought back for many years, but ultimately lost. Know what the oppressors called our patriots? The old way of calling your victim a “terrorist” for fighting back: A traitor to the crown (you can guess which nation did this to us now). Our patriots were hung in mass and anyone that believed in the cause and rebelled were also hung. Our patriots had killed many soldiers and civilians in the attempts to free our people from the invading nation. It was unavoidable and a necessary sacrifice to make for the cause in their minds. Today, we have a holiday in their honour, as our people ended up surviving the genocide and assimilation attempts and we didn’t forget their efforts to free us.
Death is part of war and a victim of oppression is allowed to defend themselves from being genocided. The struggles to survive don’t just happen within people’s rose tinted glasses. I’m tired of the priviledged trying to control the narrative of what is “right” or “wrong” for a nation to do in response to being genocided.
A shame really, because it would give you guys an edge fighting against Americans who don’t even understand it at all past “Bonjour”, “Oui oui”, “Baguette” and “Omelette du fromage”, if it came down to it.
Yeah well, if he thinks he’ll win long term against Québec, he’s not ready for reality 😂
Do you not have a dedicated area for play? If you have kids, you’re supposed to have a dedicated area with no foliage (like a marble/sand/gravel or whatever mowed/bare patch they can chill in). Btw, this isn’t just for clover, it’s for grass too, because ticks exist and they love grass/clover patches.
Also clover bloom peaks during late June and early July, meaning outside of those periods the flowers are sparse and can be avoided easily. There are solutions to this. If you currently have clover, just mow a play area down for the kids, with a path leading to the house and maintain it. It doesn’t have to be the whole yard.
I hope my partner will be fine going back. He came here on Vacation while shit was going down and now he has to go back to the US soon. Shit is scary and I’m really worried.