Trump and Republicans trying to convince Canada they’ll be treated well while they’re pissing all over their colony in DC right in front of everyone.
If we get in, Puerto Rico has to get in as well.
I can’t think of a single troop I’ve ever met who’s had it out for Canada, quite the opposite. This whole thing is coming from one person and he didn’t campaign on it at all. This makes as much sense to Canadians as it does to Americans. No one asked for this, not even the mouth-breathing Trumpers.
Our Moron in Chief
it sounds like he was writing this one handed.
Oh he definitely wanks it to the idea of being a dictator
This reads like a creative writing essay written by a 12 year old kid.
The man wants to make deals, right, so make a deal. (warning I’m an American and know just enough about Canadian government to be dangerous)
“Join” the United States of America under these conditions:
- Mexico can join too if they want
- Each Province or State of joining countries becomes a State
- The Constitutions of all countries apply only to the States it previously applied to while a new Constitution is written
- The rules of the Constitutional Convention must be agreed to by both a majority of the joining States and 2/3 of all States
Please make this deal. Our governments are all too old to work great in this age but maybe we can forge a new design fit for the 2000s if we erase most of it and start fresh.
Make Ukraine the 51st state
Fuck off you demented old fool.
We like our women with bodily autonomy and with the right to choose.
We like our right to protest without the fear of being jailed and deported.
We like our heads of state to be respectful and respected on the world stage.
We like our right to privacy without surveillance, and our civil servants free from Krasnov’s oligarchs.
Most importantly, we like our beer to be unshittified!
The Canadians who haven’t already fallen victim to your propaganda.
-We like our right to protest without the fear of being jailed and deported.
Maybe you should tell our universities, corporations and the RCMP about this.
We’re having a bit of trouble with the protest one but I like your spirit!
Might be time for a EU expansion
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No one wants to be america. People want to be human beings that are able live as human beings. People don’t want to be pawns to a machine that sucks humanity and souls from living bodies.
Am American. Can confirm, would really like to be something else.
Same. Like, damn, I’m a queer leftist woman who takes an SSRI. This administration wants me in a camp for sure and I would happily change nationalities if it were possible. I’m rooting for the Canadians (and the rest of the world that isn’t insane), except PP and his ilk.
…are you me?
Add being an anti-zionist Jew, and we could be twins.
Americans don’t even want to be American
Am American, can confirm.
It’s true. It feels like the only place on the planet that rewards being that ignorant and hateful lout at the party who thinks compassion is some type of gay sex.
This is so true, lol. And it’s just like America to attach sex to everything little miniscule thing. If they weren’t serious it would be comical.
Another thing. Sex/nudity is only okay in media. Anything goes when it’s sold mainstream, but if you have kink… Bam! You automatically a pervert, and if your are gay, your a pedophile rapist pervert.
And what wild is they create these people they hate. These sexual deviances probably wouldn’t happen if America wasn’t so prudish in real life. There’s such a a dissonance in terms of sexuality, nudity, media and reality.
It’s funny how mericans are always like ‘I’m 1/8th Irish and 2/3 German’ as if they are a breed of dog
Better than being American?
I went through my ancestry last week with the hope I’d have something to grant me citizenship elsewhere. My dad’s side went back 6 generations and I still didn’t find anyone outside the US. My mother’s was 5 generations before I hit Austria and Germany.
Do Canadians not do that? I’d have thought so considering Canada has had waves of settlers much like the US; but I’ve not met many Canadians, so I wouldn’t know.
Fucking A we do that, and why not? It’s interesting to learn peoples ancestry. It’d be strange we didn’t do that.
It’s not that people don’t have mixed ancestry in other countries, it’s that nobody mentions it or cares. Americans seem weirdly obsessed with it.
80-year-old angsty teen… how can anyone take this man child seriously?
We don’t want to be the 51st state. The idea repulses us, actually.
Elbows up, guys!
Unfortunately, too many Americans did, so now the rest of us have to
The dipshits that voted for him didn’t take him seriously either, they just wanted to fuck over the left, who they’ve been told is a enemy and threat for the last 25 years on Fox and AM radio. The other group that didn’t take him seriously were the ones who sat out or protest voted.
Elbows up!
how can anyone take this man child seriously?
Trumpy’s cultists will take him serious. Those cultists are going to be a problem.
My company:
Has two shops 1 in Canada and 1 in the US; US shop now solely handles all American related jobs while Canada handles any job globally, besides the US.
Real smart play here ol trump
“Let’s kill all the jobs now for a few new kinds of jobs that probably won’t come to fruition” -Trump, American genius.
So we charged them 25% more for our electricity and his response is to charge his own citizens 25% more??
Russia’s objective isn’t tariffs – it’s to splinter/decouple international coordination and cooperation amongst western nations.
So, yeah. The faster Trump can accelerate that, the happier his boss’ll be.
Like the buy[local] type campaigns are most likely getting a bit of a bump from Russian propaganda agents – even if they are ‘real’ sentiments to some extent too.
Also, forgetting Russia for a moment, the ultra rich love this shit. They have enough real money to buy up all the smaller businesses. They love economic downturns like this, and it’s possible that Trump is simply a fanboy simp who is voluntarily taking Russian advice and example. It’s also important to say this because it means the stupid, zero-memory US citizens need to understand that it will continue even with Trump gone and even if Russia disappears.
He’s not doing this because of blackmail, he’s doing this because he wants to.
I think there’s a plan to entertain the US with some conflict while Russia does some shit so it can’t intervene later on. Their only true opposition as far as tech goes is the US army so it makes sense to disable it. I also have a feeling part of this is an attempt to normalize the invasion of other countries. And what better way to accomplish it all than to push the US out of NATO so the former Soviet countries are easy pickings for Russia.
It’s like watching the Kremlin call the shots at this point. What Trump is doing makes no sense without thinking What Would Putin Do?
I’d agree to some extent, but I honestly think it’s a bit more nuanced than a direct “He’s doing what Putin wants” situation – as it’s also what the various groups backing Trump in the states want (the folks who were all in on Project 2025). I find it easier to understand as a conflict between an “egalitarian” world view, and an “authoritarian” one. Putin, and Trump’s crowd, are clearly on the authoritarian side.
Someone recently pointed out to me that this view of it also aligns to the difference between the greek orthodox church and the roman catholics. In the latter, the translation of the bible into different languages meant individuals were encouraged to read the bible, and determine (in part on their own) how best to avoid hell; in the orthodox approach, it was entirely up to the priests to inform the masses what they had to do to avoid hell, as only the priests could read latin. Russia’s still very much of the orthodox approach – and in the US, many of those mega pastor sorts have pushed in this direction as well. So their interests line up.
That authoritarian mindset also lines up with big tech, and the whole Yarvin nonsense. It lines up with the blanket firing approach and terrorization of the federal work force, to make them more subserviant/compliant. And it generally lines up with the Russian view that the world should be cut up into like 4 blocks, with a ‘strong man’ leading each block. That division that was pushed forward by Dugin, generally “gives” north America to the US.
What’s that flushing sound I hear? Oh, it’s just the US economy.
He’ll raise taxes on Americans again too, if Canada doesnt shape up!
He just really likes raising taxes.
I will shortly be declaring a National Emergency on Electricity within the threatened area. This will allow the U.S to quickly do what has to be done to alleviate this abusive threat from Canada.
This shit is ominous. This demon is ready to invade and take control of the Québec-Windsor corridor.
Yeah well, if he thinks he’ll win long term against Québec, he’s not ready for reality 😂
I think Ontario has already paused the Export tax unfortunately. But I would absolutely call his bluff. An attack on Canada would mean a full-blown article 5 crisis before Trump has all of the cards that he wants. While he might be that stupid. Others in his administration aren’t.
Just in case, a good show from Carney would be to deploy the military to the area because of an increased threat of terrorism.
He can’t attack a nato member
What Trump can or can’t do is absolutely meaningless to him. He doesn’t care. Chaos is the point.
Legally, no. But why should he follow the rules when he’s gotten off for every other crime he’s committed?
He’ll pull out of NATO 5 minutes before his troops cross the border
Yes, but actually maybe
Then it’ll be FLQ 2 electric boogaloo
He’s just like Putin, he won’t do shit.
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I mean, the US has been a major violator of human rights for…decades? Longer? Since it’s inception possibly? I mean just look at their prison system. Or the whole Guantanamo thing. Or the ICE concentration camps.
Bring it.
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The issue isn’t so much that most Canadians don’t like war, it’s that war is on our doorstep and all the efforts we’ve made to avoid it haven’t worked.
I know a couple of men who can’t be reasoned with or cajoled into doing what’s right. They’re the type who will murder someone because they felt offended.
That’s what Trump is like as well. There is no half-way, no compromise. It’s his way or the highway. So essentially we have little to no choice in the matter. We either fight or we become the 51st state (or more likely a territory that has zero say in gov’t but who are taxed like they do).
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Nobody wants bloodshed, but if the US brings it, we will make sure there is as much American blood spilled as possible.
Thats war. Nobody wants war, but if you bring it to our soil we will fight. That simple.
Im pretty sure Putin did shit.
Won’t someone assassinate this senile fat fuck?
Ronald McDonald has been trying every damn day.