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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • She’s doing exactly the same thing the dude you just accused of oppression is doing.

    The main difference is that she has billions of dollars to promote her perspective, and millions of followers that listen to what she has to say. The dude “oppressing” her in this situation is just some random nobody on a site that might as well not even exist for all the cultural power it wields.

    You had a pretty reasonable argument on the first post, but this took a hard turn into bullshit real quick.

  • It is ‘cringe’ to blame any oppressed group of people for being oppressed, that’s the whole point.

    Does South African persecution of whites suddenly undo what black people in America have suffered through? Of fucking course not, that’s idiocy.

    The fact that a very few atheist states were established in the last century, and a few of them have been oppressive to the religious in that state, does not magically undo thousands of years of persecution. Especially when Atheists are still persecuted and put to death. There are nearly as many countries today that still criminalize atheism (13 total) as there have been atheist states throughout all of recorded history (~20 depending on how picky you want to be).