Made a account just to post this, all you’re doing is inconveniencing players of warframe, its obvious this is a failed experiment a majority of users aren’t going to sign up for yet another site (especially one most people dont know anything about) just for warframe, and restricting access to the trove of posts on the subreddit and a place for the community to share content is just damaging to the game.
Protests haven’t changed their mind?
Reddit before:
Reddit now:
If you want a warframe subreddit back, make your own. No one’s stopping you. Go ahead and do all the work to set the sub up and run it.
Otherwise, you’re welcome here. You’ve already made an account. Just contribute instead of complaining.
It’s kinda funny how fast Reddit has escalated their threats in under a week. Also, their claims of being “profit driven” while ignoring Devs that were willing to (or at least inquiring about) use the new paid API for 3 months.