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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I wish they would just bring back self damage instead, it’s a lot easier to get the vex armor buffs when you can bypass shield gating and don’t have to deal with team mates nuking/CCing the entire map.

    Depending on what they consider an ally, you might run into issues where Shadows/Thralls become an issue for Chroma or objectives with a large hp pool.

  • The pressure point mods are usually more useful against status immune enemies, some enemies are only immune to certain status effects, so CO could be better depending on what elements you have. CO also doesn’t work with every pseudo exalted ability, so if you’re lazy like me and don’t want to check if it’s compatible, it’s easier to just grab a weapon with pressure point.

  • I haven’t really had time to make a new Hydroid build since his rework, but I think he’s less effective against Eximus/Overguard than Khora. Khora is able to do most of what Hydroid does, but is able to do it better in my opinion.

    Khora’s abilities work together to damage trapped enemies, and Ensnare can be used to increase the damage the enemies that are CC’d. It’s probably best to think of Khora’s Strangle Dome as an AOE ability that scales off of your melee weapon instead of a CC ability.
    Khora is also a little more versatile for other missions like Disruption where you want to be able to slow down a priority target.

    Hydroid on the other hand, feels like he has too much range (for his tentacle swarm) and traps enemies out of sight, sometimes in adjacent rooms. This tends to lead to missions taking longer because you need to clean up enemies individually between waves if it’s a Defense mission. It starts to feel a little like playing with a max range Limbo/Vauban/Wisp Motes trapping enemies far away from the objective.
    *I still need to play around with reducing range to see if there’s a good balance where his 1/3 are usable while not making the tentacle range obnoxiously large.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeird game behaviour
    8 months ago

    If they’re on PC, they can try clicking the settings cog on the launcher and verify their downloads cache. (No clue how to do this on console)

    The only other thing I can think of checking is to make sure your Network Ports are set to different values if you’re on the same network. Warframe will usually pester you if multiple people on the same network are using the same ports, so this probably isn’t your issue, but you can find it under Settings > System > Network Ports. Any value is fine there as long as it is set to something different from the settings used for your game.

    If you still run into issues, you might have to make a bug report on the forums to let them know that certain dynamic/interactable objects, like the hatches Zaramin, are indestructible while your partner is playing as a client. Still no clue what’s going on with Lua but at least that one seems pretty minor because it’s in a vault where only used for that mission and it’s in the state for an alternate path rather than a state preventing completing the mission.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeird game behaviour
    8 months ago

    I’m guessing that you’re playing as a squad, and that they are the Client while you’re the Host. These sound like some issues with host vs client game states and were actually pretty common on the Zaramin at launch with the destructible objects hiding hidden paths, though I thought they fixed it there.

    I have noticed that joining mid-mission into the new tileset that the grates aren’t destructible for me. I’m guessing these were already destroyed before I loaded in and my game did not load their current state resulting in an unbreakable object. (was the same bug on the Zaramin, but I don’t think it required loading in mid-game for them to be unbreakable for clients).

    That last mission sounds like Lua Spy? Not too sure what’s going on there, other than their game probably thinks something already triggered the chandelier to fall.

    Have you tried to repeat any of this with your partner hosting and you being the client?

  • Speedva really helps with the pacing of slower missions, especially the sortie Defense missions on the new Corpus Ship maps. Slowva on the other hand can be a little too much CC and some hitboxes can end up out of sync with what you see in game which can make it awkward to use.

    I would recommend putting a CC ability onto nova to help with clumping up anything rushing towards you, assuming you aren’t playing with very low range. Protea’s Dispensary is another option for anyone trying to relevel weapons, and is especially useful for Archguns if you’re trying to level them on a standard tileset instead of an Archwing mission.

    Wormhole is nice for capture missions and Escape Velocity if you like a little more movement speed while running around the map. For some unknown reason, teammates will only use your portal if you misplaced it and it leads into the Void.

    I’ll usually use both Power Donation and Over Extended to make enemies as fast as possible, but you can play around with Transient Power Strength Buffs (Zenurik’s Hardened Wellspring/Madurai’s Sling Strength/Growing Power etc.) so that you have a range of different speeds you can play around with if you’re getting overwhelmed or if enemies have started scaling up significantly higher than what the mission initially started with.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneUnbound.
    9 months ago

    The Circuit also has Thrax in their spawn pool, it’s just an alternative to running Zaramin Bounties.

    Enemies also scale very fast in the Circuit (at least on Steel Path), which makes it easier to grind focus if you have a Focus Lens installed.

  • Banshee is one of the warframes I tend to use pretty often, usually for Survival or Disruption.

    Sonic Boom + Sonic Fracture
    On it’s own, Sonic Boom isn’t very useful but combined with Sonic Fracture, it becomes a very cheap Armor Strip ability with some minor CC properties, although the effectiveness of CC has been reduced with the addition of Overguard. While the CC this ability provides does not “lockdown” enemies, it is able to interact with Demolysts to keep them away from conduits, and does not become less effective overtime the same way an ability like Ensnare would versus certain enemies.

    Sonar + Resonance
    This ability marks an enemy with weak points greatly increasing the damage your weapons do to enemies. With the Resonance augment, Sonar becomes even more powerful by allowing it to spread to new enemies, and marking existing enemies in range with additional weak points. The Resonance Augment also makes this ability extremely strong in crowds, where enemies can easily be primed by this debuff multiple times. You will need to find a good balance for Range between this ability and Silence, too much range prevents you from stunning enemies while too little range makes this ability less effective.

    Silence + Savage Silence
    This ability allows you to briefly stun nearby enemies. The Savage Silence Augment will open enemies not protected by Overguard to finishers during the stun animation, and will boost finisher damage to enemies. It pairs well with weapons that can force enemies to being opened to finishers such as a Dagger’s Heavy attack, Dizzying Rounds, or the Zakti. Using this ability with Arcane Ultimatum and Trickery was a great way to make Banshee less fragile before Helminth/Shield gating was added to warframe. This ability has been indirectly nerfed over the years unfortunately, self-stagger being added to Zakti with the changes AOE weapons made it very likely that you would stagger yourself when going for finishers, and more recently the addition of Overguard preventing enemies from being opened to finishers in the first place.

    Sound Quake/Resonating Quake
    Generally the ability that you replace with something else to increase Banshee’s survivability like Pillage or Condemn as the damage is very low. The Resonating Quake augment does make this ability usable for quick low level exterminate missions or some fun in fissure missions if you get the fissure buff more power strength + range.

  • That should just be the forma earn rate/bounty time vs the cost of buying forma directly from the market for platinum.

    I think most of the people complaining were the ones abort farming the bounties to skip the defense portion and that yielded more standing/min (pre-nerf) compared to completing the full bounty.

    8 min probably just comes from the amount of time it takes to speed run a full bounty. (or 3k standing works out to ~8min mission time)

  • Dystopia@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Ash
    10 months ago

    Ash is the damage orientated stealth frame and works great for dealing with high level enemies thanks to being able to Armor strip and Forced Slash procs. A couple drawbacks have been how hard it has been to acquire his parts, and inconsistency with his third ability activating, often only teleporting you to the target instead of opening the enemy to a finisher/performing a finisher with the augment.

    The missions types that I like to use Ash for are Disruption and Survival, and while Ash works for Spy, there are other better options depending on how fast/easy you want to be on these missions.

    Shuriken + Seeking Shuriken - A pretty basic ability and works great for quickly striping the armor off of important targets like Demolysts and Acolytes.

    Smoke Screen + Smoke Shadow - The ability offer’s great survivability, while I probably wouldn’t bother with the Smoke Shadow augment. It might be useful for anyone trying to push a Kubrow to 50% crit chance for the Tenacious Bond bonus though.
    *I think invisibility still prevents sentinels from attacking, so you’re probably better off taking an animal based companion if you want a companion that does anything beyond being a vacuum in a mission.

    Teleport + Fatal Teleport - Works great (*when it does work) with weapons that have Forced Slash procs on Finisher attacks like Rapiers. Unfortunately Mercy kills have priority over finisher kills, so if you were relying on this ability for gimmicks like charging the Arca Titron’s Slam Capacitor, an enemy in Mercy Kill range will not provide a charge towards it. Enemies with Overguard are not opened to finisher attacks making this ability less useful.
    With the current state of game balance around Overguard, I would probably remove this ability and replace it with Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance, as this ability synergizes with Blade Storm’s ability to quickly build 12x melee combo, and also provides teleport to Crosshair on hold which is very useful for bypassing lasers in Spy Vaults. Unfortunately I think this subsume has a high barrier to obtaining due to Kullervo being in Duviri and locked behind certain cycles.
    Wrathful Advance Teleport

    Blade Storm + Rising Storm - This ability generally works pretty good for clearing out groups of enemies thanks to its forced slash procs bypassing armor, mild CC, and quickly building combo for his third ability to scale off of. The augment provides both combo duration and increases the amount of combo gained/hit by Blade Storm, making 12x Heavy Attack builds more appealing.