This is just provably untrue. You might have more relationship-weighted encounters off-app, but to say that it’s unhelpful if you don’t want a relationship is false.
Yes some people get lucky but I’m certain 90% of tinder users won’t find their long-term relationship through tinder. Therefore tinder is, for most, a waste of time and effort and possibly even money.
This is just provably untrue. You might have more relationship-weighted encounters off-app, but to say that it’s unhelpful if you don’t want a relationship is false.
on what grounds is this false
Well people do find relationships via dating sites, although quite possibly not tinder.
I know four or five couples from my friend group that met online.
Yes some people get lucky but I’m certain 90% of tinder users won’t find their long-term relationship through tinder. Therefore tinder is, for most, a waste of time and effort and possibly even money.