Who even needs investigative journalists with hidden cameras when there’s Israeli state television

  • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    That sort of comment is to be expected on Lemmy. A lot of very ignorant people here. Obviously the Holocaust wasn’t as well taught in Australia as it was in the Netherlands.

    • zooi@feddit.nl
      7 months ago

      I love Lemmy but I feel like most people on here are absolute deranged, even compared to Reddit.

      • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        No Reddit is just as bad. This is a problem with people substituting ideology for intelligence. People will believe anything if they like the people telling them to. The truth of the matter is that no-one who is not involved in the conflict actually knows about what’s actually going on there. The IDF obviously have an incentive to cover up war crimes, but at the same time Hamas (a group internationally recognized as a terorist organization) is the government in the Gaza Strip and all the statistics about civilian casualties are cited as coming from "the government of Palestine.

        So again talking about the nazi Party and Israel in the same breath on the basis of a single translated image is fucking stupid.

    • masquenox@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It must be so sad to see decades of fascist propaganda go to shit right before your very eyes, hasbara.

      Sad for you, that is.

      • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Ok, I mean you’re entitled to your opinion. I’m just saying that what happens during a war is only clear after it’s ended. And certainly isn’t clear to keyboard warriors sitting on their couch in the states or Europe. There’s a very famous photo of German POWs being shown footage of a death camp prior to their release. The expressions on their faces show very clearly that they had no idea what was happening.

        Similarly after this conflict is over, it is very possible that some extremely damming evidence will come to light. But until the war is over, you have to assume that most of what you see on both sides will be propaganda or taken out of context to promote a political ideology. And it’s a foolish comparison to make without more evidence than an out of context picture of an asshole prison guard.

        • Everyone else seems to see enough clearly damning evidence. But no problem, we can wait until the genocide is over and all Gazans are dead. 👍 That way you don’t have to believe us “keyboard warriors” sharing journalistic investigations and video footage of the mayhem.

          • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
            7 months ago

            Believe me I think Israel should pull out of Gaza and the settlers should leave the west bank. And I also believe that Palestine should be granted full independence according to 1967 borders. And I genuinely think that that would go a long way to establishing a climate of mutual hostility instead of straight up violence (I’m not naive enough to think that Israelis and Palestinians will ever be friends). Of course I shouldn’t be consulted, because I don’t live there and consulting Europeans about national borders in the middle east doesn’t seem to work. But I’m still not going to judge either side as being as bad as the Nazis, because I don’t have enough information to make that call.

            I am 100% against the IDF entering Gaza and executing civilians or Israelis settling in the west bank. I am also 100% against kidnapping civilians and digging up water pipes to make unguided rockets to be fired indiscriminately into residential areas.

            • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              But I’m still not going to judge either side as being as bad as the Nazis, because I don’t have enough information to make that call.

              Fair enough, even though that’s not at all how you came off. But I understand.

              I, on the other hand, have enough evidence. 75 years of evidence.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Imagine yourself in the place of one of these men. How would you feel? Would that be acceptable to you? Would that be acceptable to your parents? Would it be acceptable to your spouse to not know where you are being held or why? Would it be acceptable for you as a lawyer to get no legal representation because a colonizer decided you are going to be tortured and humiliated for being X ethnicity?

          • Yellow cheese and bread would be fine with me if I was in prison as an enemy combatant and suspected terrorist.

            Such detention is usually indefinite, or at least usually lasts until whatever conflict ends, and POWs usually do not have a right to counsel.

            Stress positions are torture and that’s not a subject I know much about from an international law standpoint. If it’s not illegal it should be.

            But here you are once again without enough information to form a strong opinion, getting emotional, and reacting as if you have a real good idea of what’s happening in this video, which you do not. Are they stress positions that the inmates are forced to maintain for hours at a time, or were they told to get on the ground with their heads down and legs crossed so the cell could be opened safely for whoever that is touring the facility?

            The video and audio are cut up and spliced. You have no idea what the speaker is talking about when he says “this is how it should be after October 7.” Does he mean they should be in prison? Does he mean they should not be moving or talking? Does he mean they should be eating only white bread and yellow cheese? Does he mean they should be in stress positions being tortured? Who knows? Not me, not you. And this is how we got here: people reacting to the worst half of a story and automatically assuming the worst possible explanation. That’s just not how I operate; I can see that I do not have enough information to have a strong opinion about this video or photos, so I don’t have one.

            • Maggoty@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Jesus. Even the US gives “enemy combatants” MREs. They are done and out of the fight. There’s no reason to mistreat them at that point. It’s just cruelty for the sake of it and no it’s not legal.

              I had to guard detainees before they were taken to the rear, and after searching them they keep their clothes and get an MRE and a bottle of water. You just sit there in silence then. Nothing else is required. The fact that they’re in an armed camp handcuffed and hooded is enough to keep them quiescent. And once they’re in a prison there’s certainly no reason to treat them worse than we did in the field.

              • If you’ve got them to spare, sure. I suppose you are right. Bread and cheese alone is no way to feed someone and has plenty of negative health consequence. I still don’t know enough about what the photo shows. How long does this diet persist for, is this a factor of intentional choice or is what they have extra in a warzone!

                And to your second point, how about if the muckity mucks come for a tour and inspection, which is what this video seems to me to show, or if this is the intake holding or transport procedure?

                I appreciate your perspective on this.

                • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  Do you even know for sure these men are Hamss? Or do you just believe any “report”?

                  Asking since you seem to think criminals deserve no human rights. As a lawyer I’m sure this isn’t your professional opinion but somehow it’s good enough for Palestinians 🙂

                  And btw was America a democracy when women and black people couldn’t vote? This was a question on another thread about a similar topic

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    No I have no idea if they are Hamas. I hope they aren’t doing this to people who just want to live their lives and I don’t think they are.

                    As to your other question if you’re going to make me respond I think it’s a revealing question for you to ask. It obviously was then and still is, without serious debate by political scientists of that day and this day. You sound as if you’re asking me if the world was flat some arbitrary amount of time ago, it wasn’t then and it still isn’t. And don’t get emotional with me, I didn’t make up all of political science.

                    Wherever people are practicing democracy, no matter how dim the flame may look to you, it is much brighter than the total darkness of mysticism and fear that governed all societies for most of world history.

                    As I’ve said I appreciate you and your entire perspective on this and mine is obviously different. I’m about people, and if you must know I represent people exclusively and for me, lasting civil rights, enshrined in primary law and custom, with the consent of the people and checks and balances. It’s incompatible with religious extremists out there chanting death to American and death to Israel. And that’s fine until they start crossing borders to kill civilians and talking about having their own country.

                    It’s not going to happen.

                • Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  If Israel doesn’t have food to spare then there are far larger problems not being discussed. Also, if this is what their leadership expects then that’s a big problem.