In audio released Friday evening, senators and representatives from Ohio and Michigan revealed the “endgame” is to ban transgender care “for everyone.”

    8 months ago

    Oh man, I hope they do! What am I going to do with myself in the meantime? Just knowing that there’s a slight chance that someone might remove my penis and replace it with a vagina and then give me boobs… It’s too much for me. We must prevent anyone from trying! That way they won’t do it to me!

    Actually, what about two penises? That’s like double macho! Ok let’s hope they block male to female and female to male… But male to really macho male, that’s gotta stay!

    Let’s see if the population complains about exceptions such as removal due to cancer and such. Maybe toss the doctors in jail for removing boobs that have cancer? And specifically the law should say boobs because that’s more funny. And cruel. We are Republicans! God damn it! In God damn we truss… well it’s a sort of truss, it’s a cross ❌ truss!

    Yes it’s all sarcasm and confusing non language. It makes my brains happy.