The video is bombastic, even by Mr Trump’s standards. Just consider the title: God Made Trump.

  • maegul (he/they)
    8 months ago

    A key line for me …

    “Would you rather have someone whose tongue is maybe a little wild, but has incredibly good policies that make your life better?” he asked the congregation. “Or someone who has a silver tongue and says all the right things and has terrible policies which ruin your life and those of your children and grandchildren?”

    Partly out of confirmation bias as I’ve been saying this since before his victory in 2016 and highlighting it as the thing lefty/intellectual/“elites” don’t get about his appeal. Trump hits the “right” buttons while his wildness, lack of “refinement” and apparent sense-making are all features. So many want “change” … Trump is “change”, right from his personal nature and demeanour.

    Another …

    And he said that the decline in church attendance over time had meant that many of those who considered themselves religious were less influenced by spiritual leaders and more by right-wing media and politicians - Mr Trump foremost among them.

    Oh … JFC!! I suppose this is a good predictor of how the west collapses. Deepening class separation across all spheres of civil life allowing chaotic manipulation by demagogues. Can’t help but think of the fall of the Roman Republic and Dune here. Also can’t help but think that the whole Hitchens/Dawkins anti-religion thing, which feels like it got a bit old for the mainstream, really has an essentially important fundamental point … as a whole type of institution and cultural phenomenon, it may simply not be worth it on the whole.

      8 months ago

      By the way: His rambling does make sense.

      Informally many people do speak in half sentences, zig zagging on tangents, especially schizophrenics. It takes a lot of energy to follow if you are not used to it and Republicans think we are the stupid ones for not being able to follow.

      Try to follow his much derided nuclear uncle speech. It isn’t that hard when you give it a go.

        8 months ago

        His rambling does make sense.

        He just spent an entire speech confusing his own press secretary with Nanci Pelosi…

          8 months ago

          He confused former house speaker, and now presidential rival, Nikki Haley with Pelosi.

          Didn’t know he also confused his press secretary with Pelosi too. You sure about that? I can’t find it online.

          He also claimed he ran against Obama.