• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • I love this personally. The admins had a vision for the future that was not based in any form of reality, but rather the same wealth extraction tactics that have collapsed so many other services.

    Anyone who remembers the Digg exodus, there are reflections of that in reddit’s stittastic new policies.

    Just more proof that enshittification isn’t a slow erosion of quality over time but rather direct actions taken by a profit-seeking leadership.

    If you go back now and look in older technically complex threads it is a wasteland of [Deleted] and various account scrubber script Lorem Ipsum as a good chunk of decent contributors have left and burned their accounts.


    Looking forward to the day that they don’t prop up google anymore.

  • If they really understood the phrase ‘too many cooks spoil the soup’, then they’d realize the advantage of smaller online communities.

    Reddit was at its best when it had a low count but engaged userbase, and became actively worse as it grew.

    I think this is because trolling and response isn’t a 1 to 1 ratio. All it takes is 1 toxic person to make an entire subforum rancid and takes the effort of several mods to mitigate it.

    The more people you have, the more chance you will have these trolls organize, the more likely they will either overwhelm or infiltrate the mods.

  • The anti-zionists I know are not antisemitic, and I have not seen them be antisemitic.

    Pretty interesting how blind you are to your own confirmation bias.

    Since I’m in a bad mood, I’ll point it out to you.

    If you are not antisemitic, likely you do not tolerate being around antisemitic people. Therefore the anti-zionists you know are not antisemitic.

    I, on the other hand, was born in the state of drunken alligator fights and hookworm, where 60% of the population is antisemitic AND anti-zionist, so I have seen it many, many times.

    but I almost never see people do this.

    Then you should learn to appreciate the fact you don’t live in the middle of the deep south and the culture that surrounds you is a lot more sane and reasonable than a good chunk of the nation actually is.

    For example, the ‘Jewish space laser’ conspiracy theory is BOTH antisemitic and anti-zionist.