A Saudi government official once publicly admitted that they want to “lead western countries from one dependency into another”. Instead of buying oil from Saudi Arabia, we will buy overpriced hydrogen that will unnecessarily be transported across the world from this authoritarian shithole. This is the exact reason, why we need investments into renewable energy in our home countries, instead of importing it and being dependent on this shitty dictatorship.
That will never happen. Hydrogen is far too expensive to transport and use compared to generating electricity. Saudi Arabia isn’t going to be the leader of anything once all its customers start charging their cars with windmills.
A Saudi government official once publicly admitted that they want to “lead western countries from one dependency into another”. Instead of buying oil from Saudi Arabia, we will buy overpriced hydrogen that will unnecessarily be transported across the world from this authoritarian shithole. This is the exact reason, why we need investments into renewable energy in our home countries, instead of importing it and being dependent on this shitty dictatorship.
That will never happen. Hydrogen is far too expensive to transport and use compared to generating electricity. Saudi Arabia isn’t going to be the leader of anything once all its customers start charging their cars with windmills.
And the western world is stupid beyond hope if they let it happen again.