Hello everyone, my first post here. First of all, I don’t have a job, I’ve never worked (I’m 20 years old), and I have no idea how to go about getting my first job. What would you recommend? Do you have any tips on how to conduct myself in a job interview? Any advice on how to feel less anxious?

  • LeylaaLovee@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    11 months ago

    I apply for shitty jobs where I don’t have to talk to people. First job was washing dishes, now I’m installing septic systems. They’re physically demanding jobs, but fairly secure, pay decent, and can be pretty slow paced jobs at the right place. I like septic because sunlight is pretty good for me and I won’t go outside unless I’m paid to. Plus, I find the intense physical labor melts my brain just enough that some of the social anxiety disappears.

    They’re hard jobs, but nobody wants to do them so even if you get stuck with people who think you’re weird, they can’t care because nobody else will do the job. Like yeah, there are probably some transphobic assholes I work with, but they’re not saying shit to me because they know nobody else will wash the dishes or dig those holes

  • Calamades@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Job hunting sucks. As other posters said, if there is a store or cafe or something that you go to a lot, that’s a good place to start. If you’re in a position where you can ease into things and not focus too too much on earning, I really recommend volunteering. Think of an interest you have, whether it is animals, art, sports, and look into volunteer organizations in your area. Special Olympics always needs volunteers and is a ridiculous amount of fun. Volunteer positions will pad out your resume, give you valuable skills in interpersonal relationships and learning job routines, and are an easy and low stress kind of soft entry into work.

    Eta, your local library is a great resource for volunteer positions.

  • hoodlem@hoodlem.me
    1 year ago

    My first job was McDonalds. They had a hiring sign and I filled out an application. The interview such as it was was short and sweet, talking about how many hours I could work and when.

    If you are 20 and looking for your first job, just know there are a lot of places hiring right now. I don’t think the interview process is likely to be painful or arduous.

    And hey, once you’ve had the job, you can have that done and on your resume, right? :-)