• 64 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This dude isn’t even whining about the false positives, they’re complaining that it would require a repository of CP to train the model. Which yes, some are certainly being trained with the real deal. But with law enforcement and tech companies already having massive amounts of CP for legal reasons, why the fuck is there even an issue with having an AI do something with it? We already have to train mods on what CP looks like, there is no reason its more moral to put a human through this than a machine.

  • This is a stupid comment trying to hide as philosophical. If your website is based in the US (like 80 percent of the internet is), you are REQUIRED to keep any CSAM uploaded to your website and report it. Otherwise, you’re deleting evidence. So all these websites ALREADY HAVE giant databases of child porn. We learned this when Lemmy was getting overran with CP and DB0 made a tool to find it. This is essentially just using shit any legally operating website would already have around the office, and having a computer handle it instead of a human who could be traumatized or turned on by the material. Are websites better for just keeping a database of CP and doing nothing but reporting it to cops who do nothing? This isn’t even getting into how moderators that look for CP STILL HAVE TO BE TRAINED TO DO IT!

    Yeah, a real fuckin moral quandary there, I bet this is the question that killed Kant.

  • No jokes, I’d recommend staying away from it, especially as a Kratom user. Phenibut was my drug of choice, but it has some hidden issues even if it isn’t.

    First off, they’re both giant pain in the asses to get the hitting right. But when you get the phenibut and kratom combo done right, it’s one of the best highs ever, don’t do it. They create extremely weird habits when combined and can become a nasty addiction on par with real hard drugs when used together. Second is withdrawal. Phenibut has BY FAR the worst withdrawal I’ve ever been through, and I’ve withdrawn from everything at least once, sometimes at the same time as each other. I haven’t touched the shit over a year. The acute withdrawal lasted for like a month and then the PAWS sticks around for around a year. I’d rather quit fentanyl and kpins at the same time again than ever doing Phenibut withdrawal again.

  • Lol you clearly don’t go to the gym if you’re saying this. Went to the YMCA as a kid and saw elliptical politics that made my middle school that literally split us into “teams” by economic class look tame in comparison. Because of the death of the third place in western society, any activity that isn’t where you sleep or work becomes a third place, where people are kind of inherently judging the people around them, to fulfill this. All the shitty people you went to high school gym with are mostly the same people now, and need a place to continue their bullshit. Some will grow past this, but by that point the next generation of gym shitheads is ready.

    The only way I agree with your comment is if you said “people at the gym aren’t judging you any more than people outside the gym already do”. Maybe it’s just the area I live, but everything becomes a game of judgement. It’s one thing to say “yeah I’m being judged by other people and I don’t care”. But to determine that you aren’t being percieved at all off of this idea is more delusional than the idea that you are being percieved.