Please keep it civil.

    1 year ago

    Can you be more verbose? I’m still really confused what you are trying to say and why it makes both sides mad? Could you throw in some examples of dialogue?

      1 year ago

      Can you be more verbose?

      Sure. I’ll give it a shot. Sorry in advance if this just ends up being word salad. This isn’t my strong suit.

      To start out with the base that nearly everyone agrees on: “gender”, as defined by something (there’s disagreement on that part) exists in society.

      The traditionalist perspective is (from a typical western perspective, at least) that gender and all the social expectations and baggage that come along with it are simply the natural order. This perspective uses biological sex as the defining trait of gender. I presume everyone here passed 6th grade biology to figure out how that works.

      There’s also a sizable group of people who disagree with that definition of gender, and consider it separate to biological sex. This, broadly speaking, constitutes the transgender movement. Now there’s a lot of different perspectives on how gender should be defined among this group, especially so if you branch out beyond the typical western perspective, and i don’t care to go into every different perspective in detail, I’m sure you have an opinion on this topic as well.

      But to sort of loop back to where I started, both groups tend to believe that gender is an important part of people identity-wise, and should, in whatever form they support, be upheld, maintained, and respected.

      That right there is the point where I break from the mainstream views. While it’s indisputable that society currently places heavy emphasis on gender, I believe it to be neither essential nor beneficial to society at large, and we should work to remove it from society.

        1 year ago

        Yeah thanks for trying I’m still confused but I think I kind of understand. Out of curiosity about how old are you? Most younger millennials and gen y that I interact with seem to not really care about gender and what you are saying seems like pretty common sentiment I’m those age groups. I think the part I’m confused about is like why this is controversial? I’ve miss gendered people several times and no one’s gotten ever mad or really cared since it’s not being done I’m mean or cruel way.

        I’m a white cis male so I’m so confused about what the deal with caring so much about it is among some loud conservatives? Like the only people I see or hear about making it a problem are people being jerks in a professional environment and making it a big deal when literally no one cares if you are being nice and treating people like humans.

          1 year ago

          Yeah thanks for trying I’m still confused but I think I kind of understand. Out of curiosity about how old are you

          Mid twenties.

          I think the part I’m confused about is like why this is controversial

          People don’t like it when other people don’t agree with them, especially when they’ve decided to stake their own personal self worth onto it.

          I’ve miss gendered people several times and no one’s gotten ever mad or really cared since it’s not being done I’m mean or cruel way.

          Nobody has ever cared likely because you yourself don’t particularly care. That’s not an insult, to be clear. What I mean is that you aren’t trying to make a statement or anything, you’re just going along with the flow. And I do that plenty because there’s a time and place for activism and it isn’t all the time and everywhere. But I encounter a huge amount of friction when I do try to make a point, especially with how fucking jumpy a lot of people are about it.

          To put it in overly simplistic terms, the traditionalists hate that I oppose their strict gender norms, the trans crowd hates that I oppose their self-identity bullshit.

          literally no one cares if you are being nice and treating people like humans

          For a lot of people, “treating [them] like humans” constitutes subservience to the standards they put forward.

            1 year ago

            Thanks that actually clarified this for me! 😊

            Honestly the whole thing annoys me and no one shuts up about it… I hate culture war bullshit.

              1 year ago

              I feel like a lot of people didn’t play enough pokemon as a kid to have some words of wisdom carved into their brains “There’s a time and place for everything, but not now”. Like there’s absolutely a time and place for discussions over social politics. it isn’t omnipresent