• Dontfearthereaper123@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    If some type of tool using primate used tools to murder me for food that would feel fair to me even if I didn’t have tools on hand. They would have an advantage in that situation however it was by better utilising using the same environment that I am in against me. I don’t consider that unfair even if they dont have the capabilities to use the environment in that way as I wouldn’t consider a bear smashing my head with a rock heavier than I could lift as unfair.

    Edit: I just noticed that u likened me to animal abusers and wtf bro I know my opinions can come off as a bit psychopathic at first but I do genuinely care abt the suffering and try to minimise as much as possible. I have tried vegan protein alternatives but they don’t give you enough to be healthy or I would rather starve than eat them which is most likely caused by my sensory issues and autism which I can’t control