• No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
    1 year ago

    We know that you can create a teleporter between duchies, as long as you have both Aub’s cooperation, which they have, so there is no need to make a country gate to country gate connectoin between Dunkelfelger and Ehrenfest. With both Aub’s cooperation, they can just make the connective points literally anywhere in their duchies, so why bother going all the way to Kirnberger, when they can just make one in the castle? Going from country gate to country gate would bypass permissions they already have and add a lot of unnecessary distance they’d need to travel, especially in case of Dunkelfelger. Their country gate is near enough at the westernmost point, while Ahrensbach is to their east. With how wide Dunkelfelger is from west to east, going via the royal academy is bound to be faster than going via the country gates.

    I don’t have my books with me right now, so I can’t check, but I am absolutely certain Giebe Kirnberger did mention those teleportation circles between the country gates and the Sovereignty. I’ll check once I get home.

    • Bookmyner@bookwormstory.social
      1 year ago

      Creating an interduchy teleporter to Dunkelfelger’s border with Ahrensbach would have been a fast travel option, but there are some reasons it may have been unfeasible.

      • It would have also required the King’s approval

      To prevent assassinations and ambushes, only the archduke could place the kinds of teleportation circles used to transport people—and these circles were limited to travel within the duchy. Those used to cross duchy borders, such as the ones that provided access to the Royal Academy, required the king’s approval. - P4V9 (Finding the Book)

      • The teleportation circles would have to be created by the archdukes themselves

      Human teleportation was so consequential that only aubs could make and operate the means to it. - P5V4 (Archducal Family Meeting)

      • Teleportation circles require materials to make. Possibly proportionate to the size of the circle.

      “What a waste…” I muttered on instinct. Making teleportation circles required a variety of materials. - Matthias P4V9 (Out of Time)

      Just the time to make the teleportation circles may have prevented it from being an option considering all the things both archdukes need to do to prepare. Rozemyne intended to ask Aub Dunkelfelger to place teleporters between the country gate and the gate bordering Ahrensbach until Justus informed her that Ahrensbach’s border gate near the country gate was open. This probably would have been a problem considering the above mentioned issues.

      I’d assumed the border gate in question would be closed, so I’d planned to ask Aub Dunkelfelger to place teleporters between his country gate and the border gate he shared with Ahrensbach. - P5V8 (Their Information and Name Stones)

      Geibe Kirnberger mentions the teleportation circles within each country gate, but I don’t see any mention of those being connected to the Sovereignty.

      “There’s no need to worry about that,” Giebe Kirnberger cackled. “To my knowledge, there are teleportation circles within each gate. They can be used only by Zents wielding the Grutrissheit.” - P5V4 (Kirnberger’s Country Gate)

      • Bookmyner@bookwormstory.social
        11 months ago

        I noticed something interesting today while reading through “Royal Academy Stories - First Year” again:

        Kirnberger was several days away by carriage. The journey could be reduced to a single day by highbeast, but I had never attempted it before, and I wasn’t confident that I could manage it without getting lost. - Judithe

        Considering Justus and Eckhart arrived a little after 6th bell, then ate dinner, chatted, and made a name swearing box, it’s probably nearing 7th bell. Pretty sure midnight would be 8th bell, but not positive. That certainly doesn’t leave a lot of time to get to Kirnberger. Since Judithe mentioned it takes a day by highbeast, perhaps Rozemyne planned a different way of getting to Kirnberger.

        • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
          11 months ago

          We’ve seen Clarissa and her knight go all the way from Dunkelfelger’s capital to Ehrenfest in a single day, which is multiple times as much distance as Kirnberger and Ehrenfest are apart, by just going ham on pouring mana into their highbeasts for maximum speed and downing loads of rejuvenation potions.

          When Judithe estimated a full day on highbeast, she probably considered a more reasonable, non-emergency pace with occasional breaks to eat along the way and either no, or just very light use of rejuvenation potions. Also that was before she got the Rozemyne mana compression, if I remember correctly.

          • Bookmyner@bookwormstory.social
            11 months ago

            That’s a good point. The mednoble retainers may be pretty exhausted after going all out, but they should be able to make it in time. It’s possible they could use Steifebrise’s blessing to go faster too.

            • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
              11 months ago

              I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Remember that despite having the official ranks of mednobles, Matthias and Laurenz are from families that have archnoble levels of mana (due to archnobles Ahrensbach females marrying down into their families), they were taught Georgine’s mana compression method and got a bonus from being Rozemyne’s name-sworn on top, plus a little more extra mana efficiency from having a couple of extra divine protections, compared to the majority of nobles.