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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • A shame about Hortensia. I was sure Raublut would keep her alive, so they could use her to open the underground archive… Well, at least Solange is (relatively) safe and sound, thanks to Gervasio liking her.

    Though now I can very well understand why Raublut hates the current royals and Klassenberg. They could have just sent the residents of the Adalgisa villa back to Lanzenave, but instead executed them all for essentially no reason. With how Trauerqual resisted the purge and only eventually gave in to Klassenberg’s and his other allies’ pressure, I am certain the execution of the Adalgisa residents was also something forced on him. After all he refused to execute even those with close ties to the guilty, so I can’t imagine him wanting to execute completely innovent people. This reluctance would also explain why Raublut still harbours some sympathy for Trauerqual, rather then being completely blinded by lust for his blood.

    But damn, Hortensia must have been on the lower end of archnoble mana capacity if it took her a full day to dye one key, while Gervasio’s retainers were able to do it in the blink of an eye.

    This also means that Gervasio has high archduke candidate manalevel retainers with him, since even Hannelore struggled a bit to full the key and she’s from a greater duchy.

  • I wonder why Gervasio didn’t just have one of his retainers fetch a set of silver clothing and just walk through that barrier. I highly doubt they didn’t bring a single set with them to the Sovereignty. Then again, they were already in the library, so it was probably faster to give it at least a try, before risking another discovery, should Raufen have ignored the order to stay in his dormitory.

    Now the big question is, can Gervasio pass “Gramp’s” test of character. He seems to care mostly for his own reasons, rather than the good of Yurgenschmidt, so I think he should be booted out, but his motives weren’t clear enough to be certain. But even if he’s not allowed to meet Erwärmen, he can still fall back on using silver clothes to bypass the barrier, or try to force the current royals to register him as one of them to get through it, if they really don’t have any silver clothes with them for some reason, so the danger isn’t over either way.

  • Rozemyne thinks that Ferdinand omitted that one had to pray to the shrines to get the Grutrissheit, to make the situation seem more urgant than it was… but I think she’s wrong there.

    Even if we assume the praying is necessary, it’s entirely possible that the Lanzenave king might already have gotten a couple of the tablets, back when he was a student. Furthermore it has already been several days, since he went to the villa. With a sufficient supply of rejuvenation potions, he could already be well on his way to get the full set of tablets together.

    Plus the Lanzenavians have silver clothes, which allows them to bypass all manner of barriers, that other people would need to clear the requirements for.

    That being said, both the access to the underground archive and the passage from it to the resting place of the magic tool Grutrissheit are of the kind, that don’t just have a barrier, but that close a solid wall before them, which I strongly suspect you can not walk through even in silver cloth. But then again, from Rozemyne’s recent exploit in Gerlach, we know that even ivory material can be broken through, so that is no guaranteed protection either, which might potentially even allow them to skip the entire shrine visit process and go straight to that room, if they feel they are running out of time.

    So in short, the situation is really as urgend as Ferdinand paints it, in my opinion. Also not telling everyone about how the shrines work, is probably the wiser decision, considering they want to avoid future conflict with the royal family.

    “Practice what you preach, then,” Thank you! Finally someone said it to his face.

  • I’m surprised Ferdinand is so limited in thinking up workarounds for Rozemyne’s feystone phobia, at least when it comes to discharging mana.

    She only has problems when she sees the feystones, so one solution would be as simple as having her close her eyes, while her retainers hold the stones against her skin, or they could do so to the back of her neck or some other way, that keeps the stones out of Rozemyne’s field of view.

    He could also brew up a quick magic tools, that’s just a mana conducting box with a door, into which the feystones could be put.

    Hell, they could probably cut off a little piece of the Dedication Ritual carpet and wrap some feystones in that, since there’s plenty of time to repair or replace the carpet until it’s needed again the next winter

    Or they could organize an out of season Dedication Ritual, arguing that the neglect by the Ahrensbach archduke lines for generations has made it a necessity to act before winter comes around again. With none of the blue priests having the necessary mana capacity to dedicate mana together with Ferdinand and Rozemyne, they’d be alone in there with maybe Hartmut, and nobody would know if Rozemyne were to kneel on the carpet facing away from the feystone-studded divine instruments. That wouldn’t just use up excess mana, but even further her saint/divine avatar reputation and make her more respected by the locals.

    He must be really exhausted and sleep deprived, if not a single one of those very straightforward solutions came to him in the moment.

  • Considering how he was chosen as the next king over Ferdinand, he must have had more mana at some point, but that’s most likely in the past. Ferdinand was a compression monster to begin with and that become even more intense with Rozemyne’s method.

    Then again, Gervasio is a royal, from a country that (as far as we know) didn’t have it’s verbally passed down knowledge lost, like their neibhbor. So in theory, they might still remember compression methods going back as far, as the founding of Yurgenschmidt, which the Yurgenschmidt royal family lost, when the former Zent and his successor were killed in the civil war, before they could pass the knowledge on… or at any point between the departure of Tollkühnheit and now, so who knows.

  • Did you by chance notice how in this very part, Ferdinand admonished Rozemyne for blurting out things in the heat of the moment, without thinking through the consequences? The line you quotes is very much another such line. It’d be beyond hypocritical for Ferdinand to admonish Rozemyne for saying such things, only to then use such a very thing she says as justification.

    There is also the little talk they had in Ahrensbach’s replenishment hall, were both rightfully accused each other of not inforing the other about what they were planning. Again, highly hypocritical of Ferdinand to demand that Rozemyne inform him of everything she intends to do, and then work behind her back, especially in a case that so directly involves her.

  • Sometimes I just want to punch Ferdinand in the face. She came to him to prevent their marriage and what does he do? He just goes and pretty much cements this marriage happening, never even telling her what he’s going to do, much less asking her if she’s okay with it. Remind me again, why people think he’s good husband material for Rozemyne? Deciding Rozemyne’s future for her and essentially forcing her to marry him, without her having any say or even being aware of what he’s doing sounds like a very bad way to start a peaceful marriage.

    And yes, that is definitely what he’s doing. If him taking her on his highbeast, despite knowing full well what the societal implications are isn’t clue enough, he outright said “our rule” of Ahrensbach to the soldiers, with his, Rozemyne’s and Melchior’s retainers in earshot, making it very, very likely that this will spread like a wildfire.

    To be clear, my issue isn’t with him seeing their political marriage as a sensible thing and wanting to go through with it, my issue is that he just goes and forces it through, without Rozemyne’s knowledge or concent! I am aware that it is par for the course in Yurgenschmidt for the guardians or parents to decide a ward/child’s marriage partner, but for one thing, he isn’t even her guardian anymore.

    Anyway… Melchior is such a good boy. He was so frustrated about “failing” to do things, that were completely out of his control to begin with and that people who lived multiple of his current lifetime completely failed to anticipate either. I’m so glad Rozemyne was able to ease his mind.

  • I was hoping that we’d also get some interactions between Hannelore and Wilfried, to see if her crush is still there and if maybe they’ll have a future together, despite their ditter induced engagement being anulled quickly. With him no longer going to be Aub, Hannelore would have to fight hard for the permission of her parents, but I think she could do it, if she really wanted to. And with how enamoured she was with romance stories to begin with, I could see how further corruption by… erm, I mean personal contact with Elvira might just be enough to push her over the edge and pursuit love over her responsibilities as an archduke candidate after all.

    I think now that he’s sorted out, Wilfried might turn into a good husband after all. He’d certainly give his all to protect with wife and children I’m sure.

  • Karstedt yes, but I have the feeling that despite him wanting to help and protect Rozemyne, Bonifatius with his near complete lack of tact would end up blunding in some way, that makes things worse for her.

    Speaking with Hannelore is probably the best course of action, since they truly are in the same situation (young girls, thrust into battle and expected to not show their discomfort due to their position in noble society, ect). And it comes with the added bonus of allowing Hannelore a similar release, which she surely can’t get until she gets back home and can talk with her mother in private. Though for Hannelore the situation might well be even worse, since Rozemyne is already known to be eccentric by noble standards and with how obsessed Dunkelfergerians are with strength and resilience, showing this kind of weakness might carry even more stigma in their duchy… or maybe I’m wrong and them being such fight fanatics has given them better understanding of PTSD and how to deal with it…