When I discovered RSS, I decided I would move away from liked Facebook pages and on to a dedicated feed reader. I liked that you could see all the articles being posted chronologically, not some being pushed up/down by some unknown algorithm, plus the magazine like interface that some had - with previews of different sizes being shown on multiple columns on the desktop - was really appealing. I have first started with Opera, then found Feedly, which at the time had a plethora of 3rd party mobile apps, plus an extension to sync to Thunderbird. I never managed to moved all the feeds in one reader tho until now. I’ve since found Friendica, which has the same former advantage of a dedicated reader, plus the ability of being able to share articles directly using the quote share button, so I am a bit undecided whether to keep a cross platform reader, or merge my RSS and social needs and get my subscriptions over here?

What do you recommend?