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I’m kind of for legalizing all drugs, slowly, while also putting in place societal infrastructure for discouraging the abuse of drugs and to help people who become addicts.

I can elaborate on further reasons for legalization of drugs if requested; it is not however a top priority to me as a policy issue so I don’t focus on it as much for that reason.

What do you think about drug legalization or criminalization?

    1 year ago

    No point in increasing the burden, which legalization would likely do. Moreover, nobody has a “right” to take money out of my pocket to address their problems. It is also a threat to public safety, motorists on dope can be as dangerous as drunk motorists. Also, people intoxicated on either dope or alcohol are more likely to commit crime than sober individuals. There are studies that show an increased likelihood of schizophrenia with marijuana use. People with schizophrenia are more likely to commit crimes and require either incarceration or treatment at public expense.