Link to the document

You maybe asking, “Why did she make this?”. The answer is, “Beats me.”. Seeing it’s been 10-20 years after she cheated on husband while he was deployed in Afghanistan. All the document did is to remind people she she cheated on husband. So GG Froot.

Also you have what she did during Hogwarts Legacy boycott shit show. She said, she was going to donate the money to a Pro Trans organisation. But she didn’t.

    13 days ago

    Honestly, the only positive thing about this is that I was able to see who to unsub from when they replied in the comments supporting her, if I was subbed to anyone. RIP my sub to Sinder.

    I’d also be pissed if I was a soldier that was deployed and found out that my wife had had sex with like 5 other men. Or even just 1 man, really. How hard is it to just not cheat on your spouse?

    Imagine if the roles were reversed. Imagine if Froot was a man, would anyone be supporting them? Probably not a single person. Except maybe Andrew Tate, but if he is supporting you you might be doing something wrong. Heck, Froot would probably have been doxxed and deplatformed by now.

    I am not saying Froot needs to die or something, but my opinion of her was low already and I wasn’t supporting her. But I also don’t have to or want to support people that support her.

    13 days ago

    Preface: I know next to nothing about any VShojo talent that isn’t Kson or Henya. Only read some stuff about the others on the Vtuber sub and other places. Correct me if I’m getting things wrong.

    The document doesn’t really say anything about her cheating, right? And if we were to believe what she’s saying, it wouldn’t even be the worst thing about that relationship.

    Isn’t this just a “he said she said” situation? Neither party brought any definite proof, right? Why is everyone here so sure that she’s the one in the wrong?

    (And tbf, even if she actually cheated on her husband for no reason, I think the charity thing is still far more damning. Like, you post something like that, get 50k likes and never talk about it again? Did she think people would just forget about it?)

      8 days ago

      Elara just did a deep dive into the froot’s document and compared it to the claims the ex brought forward. tl;rd: Her supposed cheating happened when they were separated and he was being abusive. In both cases, chatlogs are super easy to forge, so if froot’s document lacks any proof, so does the ex.

      The charity thing is a different matter, but there’s two main points, both mistakes, but not malice. One, froot didn’t vet that specific charity very closely. That specific one may have been shady, so she would have gotten shit if she even did donate the money. Two, the donation amount was based purely on how many likes the post got. It wasn’t a Matching Donation or other type of fund raiser. Her antis went and liked her post just to try and bankrupt her. She probably should have made a public statement about the matter, but she didn’t steal any money like people seem to be claiming.

        8 days ago

        Sure, she didn’t steal any money, but pledging to make a (pretty big) donation and then never addressing the situation ever again is a pretty bad thing to do.

        If the problem was about the specific charity she could’ve just donated to a different one, I heavily doubt that was the issue. Not making any public statement after all this time is basically telling people you lied and don’t want to donate (Again, I never watched a single stream of hers so I don’t know anything besides the occasional drama that pops up outside the VShojo sphere, but that’s definitely the impression it gives me).

          8 days ago

          (Again, I never watched a single stream of hers so I don’t know anything besides the occasional drama that pops up outside the VShojo sphere, but that’s definitely the impression it gives me).

          And you don’t think that’s suspicious? If the only info you have on the situation is from drama tubers, you’re just gonna get drama.

          What if she simply doesn’t have the money to donate that? I’ve already said it was a mistake and that she should have made a public statement, but I doubt her antis would care.

            8 days ago

            I don’t follow dramatubers either, I just get some info from this lemmy community or the corresponding subreddit.

            And if she didn’t have the money she shouldn’t have made that post. Even just opening her twitter she has a LOT of posts with 30k likes or more, did she expect less from a post like that?

            And that was just the first mistake, she doubled down by not making any public statement about it. Which sure, wouldn’t have mattered for the antis, but neither does this document about her relationships. Still, she preferred “clearing” herself of a baseless rumor rather than owning up to a mistake she might’ve made.

            That’s not how you should act as a 400k-followers Internet personality. People are not divided between fans and antis, and even if they were, they can change their mind. I’d wager more people stopped being her fans over a missed donation than over a guy online spamming that she cheated on him (again, without any decent proof of that).

              8 days ago

              lemmy community or the corresponding subreddit

              ah, yes. Such reliable sources of info. I’m sure her antis aren’t going into those communities spreading doubt.

              I’m not going to tell you “The Trans Community” like her because there is no monolith, but she is respected by many lgbtq+/ally creators, so I’ll be deferring to them over randos online. The biggest voices I’ve heard criticizing her for not making the donation have been anti-woke dramatubers, so I doubt their intentions are so pure. Hell, even Legal Mindset decided to weight in on whether or not Vshojo could fire her based on the assumption that Vshojo doesn’t know the full story and before he was originator to the vtuber crowd, he was putting out anti-woke videos criticizing Disney. There is a definite pattern with the loudest voices criticizing her that make me question their motives.

                7 days ago

                ah, yes. Such reliable sources of info. I’m sure her antis aren’t going into those communities spreading doubt.

                Of course I don’t believe blindly everything I read there. I heard the cheating story multiple times but I always shrugged it off (and will keep on doing it) since there was no proof.

                And of course Vshojo can’t fire her for that, it’s not illegal or anything. It’s just a post on twitter, nothing legally binding about it. Still, I think she should’ve given priority to addressing that, instead of baseless rumors about her relationships (which honestly, even if they were true, are none of our business).

      13 days ago

      I find it weird that the main accusation here is that she cheated but to my understanding she never addressed this in the document

        13 days ago

        I’m assuming it’s because there isn’t much she could say besides “it’s not true”. You can’t really “prove” that you didn’t cheat on your husband 20 years ago.

        And honestly, might just be me, but I don’t really care that much if it happened or not. I just find it odd that both sides are accusing each other of pretty bad stuff, but neither actually brought the case to court. Makes me think they probably both benefit from the full story not being known.